Pro-Life Heartbreak as Ohio Votes to Legalize Unlimited Abortion

Ohio's Breakthrough: Protecting Abortion Rights Alters Nationwide Debate
Ohio's Breakthrough: Protecting Abortion Rights Alters Nationwide Debate
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In a devastating blow to the pro-life movement, Ohio voters approved a radical ballot measure enshrining unlimited abortion in the state constitution. This extreme policy effectively legalizes abortion through all 9 months of pregnancy.

Millions in dark money from Big Abortion bought the win, outspending pro-life groups nearly 3 to 1. Yet again, the abortion industry’s propaganda machine prevailed, spreading lies about “women’s health” to distract from their real agenda – profiting from the killing of innocent children.

Make no mistake, this vote ushers in a culture of death in Ohio. It strips away common sense limits like parental consent and informed consent. It allows late-term abortions of healthy, viable babies – an act so gruesome it’s called “partial-birth abortion.”

The winners? Faceless abortion corporations like Planned Parenthood. The losers? Vulnerable women and children. As one pro-life leader said, “Parents have lost the ability to protect their child’s medical and emotional health. And babies have lost the right to grow as God intended.”

From Michigan to now Ohio, Big Abortion is rampaging through the Midwest, eliminating any restrictions on their violent industry. They stop at nothing, even demonizing pregnancy centers that provide compassionate alternatives.

There is still hope. Hundreds of pro-life pregnancy centers continue serving women and families across Ohio. And millions of pro-life citizens will keep fighting Big Abortion’s profit-driven agenda.

But today, tears flow for the countless innocent lives lost. Ohio had a chance to defend the defenseless. Instead, voters surrendered the unborn to the abortion industry’s insatiable greed.

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