Trump Triumphs Again: GOP Leaders Rally Behind the People’s Champion Ahead of Primaries

Trump's Political Gravity Pulls GOP Closer Amid Escalating Battle for Capitol Hill
Trump's Political Gravity Pulls GOP Closer Amid Escalating Battle for Capitol Hill
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As the Republican primary season draws near, the tide is turning unmistakably in favor of former President Donald Trump. An ever-increasing number of GOP leaders in Washington are throwing their weight behind Trump, recognizing his unwavering influence and leadership.

This growing support is hardly surprising. With congressmen and senators eyeing challenging reelections next year, aligning with Trump, who leads President Joe Biden in all seven battleground states, is a strategic move. Trump’s gravitational pull remains potent among conservatives, outshining a divided field of alternatives.

U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) is one of the latest to declare his unwavering support for Trump. On Tuesday, he told POLITICO, “President Trump doesn’t need to worry. I’m with him. He’s asked me several times to support him. I said yes. And I’ve been saying for a year that I think he’s gonna be the nominee. I support him. I’m gonna vote for him. Don’t worry — you can put me down as support, endorsed, stand with.”

Trump’s advice to Senator Hawley and Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) to “be careful” during their reelection campaigns next year reflects his astute political foresight. Notably, Trump leads Biden by a substantial margin in Missouri’s latest general election polls.

Senator Hawley, known for his fist-raising salute to protestors during the January 6th, 2021 Capitol riots, has become a conservative icon. His stance on key issues like keeping gender discussions out of elementary schools and advocating for the removal of corporate donations from elections resonates deeply with American values.

With Hawley’s endorsement, the number of U.S. senators backing Trump has reached 18, complementing the over 80 endorsements from House members. Trump’s dominance is so profound that he has even outshone rivals in their home states, like in Florida, where Governor Ron DeSantis was largely overlooked by his Republican colleagues in favor of Trump.

This groundswell of support underscores Trump’s enduring appeal and his pivotal role in shaping the future of the Republican Party and the nation.

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