Find Out How the Same Networks that Despised Reagan are Now Using His Legacy to Support Biden! Shocking Reveal in Our Latest Podcast!

Find Out How the Same Networks that Despised Reagan are Now Using His Legacy to Support Biden! Shocking Reveal in Our Latest Podcast!
Find Out How the Same Networks that Despised Reagan are Now Using His Legacy to Support Biden! Shocking Reveal in Our Latest Podcast!
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Get ready to dive into the latest war against common sense with poor twists on the legacy of Ronald Reagan, unabashed left-wing slanting, and a new level of political correctness gone awry in our schools. In trying to defend Biden’s Israeli policy, left-leaning media shows are exhausting Reagan’s name, completely misrepresenting the man’s beliefs and actions as a president – it’s a pitiful sight.

Liberal media outlets including NBC, CBS, and ABC are all shamelessly misappropriating Reagan’s legacy to shield President Biden from the rightful backlash to his Israeli policy. Senator Tom Cotton made a strong counterpoint against this narrative on CBS’s Face the Nation. One must wonder, why is the media grasping at straws to defend a seemingly indefensible action by the President?

Joining this downward spiral was CNN’s Dana Bash, host of State of the Union. Instead of embarking on a Reagan-spin adventure like her industry counterparts, she took a different path. Bash subtly attempted to depict former President Donald Trump as an anti-Semite, but this operation backfires when we recall that Democrats frequently label black and Hispanic Republican supporters as “race betrayers”.

Sunday Morning on CBS displayed an odd interview with known comedian, Bill Maher. He put forward the notion that he represents the “normies” and trivialized his ideological inkling. Interestingly, he criticized how Democrats mishandled the legal actions against Trump. However, the punch line of the interview was CBS reporter Costa’s request for Maher to ease his mockery of the left. The solution, according to Costa, is to hurl it all towards the right. A classic case of media bias if there ever was one.

Nearing the end of this hysteria, Governor Kathy Hochul inserted herself into controversy by implying that black kids in the Bronx don’t know the term “computer”. A glaring stereotype that unsurprisingly managed to escape the mainstream media’s attention. Meanwhile, a group called “Queers for Palestine” tried to block an exit to Disney World in Orlando. A sad day when our policies are reduced to parking lot stand-offs.

In this wave of ongoing media bias and political correctness, the truth stands as our strongest ally. Swinging the spotlight back to liberal media, it’s evident that while they twist the legacy of a great man like Reagan to support misdirection, the public isn’t easily fooled anymore.
Strength stands in our knowledge, our ability to see past this veil, and our power to keep striving for a nation that’s true to its roots. No amount of media spin can divert us from that path.


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