Shocking! Kansas City Chiefs Kicker Faces Harsh Criticism – Find Out Why!

Shocking! Kansas City Chiefs Kicker Faces Harsh Criticism - Find Out Why!
Shocking! Kansas City Chiefs Kicker Faces Harsh Criticism - Find Out Why!
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What unfolded over a recent Kansas City Chiefs player’s commencement speech at Kansas City’s Benedictine College perfectly illustrates the hypocrisy permeating our media and society. Harrison Butker, a steadfast Catholic, found himself in a hailstorm of undue criticism simply for expressing his beliefs.

Butker’s speech drew heat for daring to uphold traditional family values, venerating the crucial role of homemakers, and saluting the joy of motherhood — especially in a Catholic setting. Despite not discouraging women from their careers, adrenaline-fueled leftist critics exploded over his indirect allusion that a mother’s role at home is indispensable.

In addition, Butker also touched upon the controversial subject of pride–specifically, the type that celebrates sinful conduct. Perhaps predictably, this was met with opprobrium by the Left as an aggressive indictment of their banner month. He further decried our leaders touting Catholic faith while supporting pro-choice policies–a clear conflict, in his view, and a defiance of the church’s teachings, causing confusion among the faithful.

Predictably, the media weren’t interested in the complexities of his nuanced perspective on faith and politics. Arguing Biden as a ‘phony’ didn’t sit well with them; similarly, the media have an aversion to calling out Biden as a divider rather than a unifier.

Conveniently, the NFL’s chief diversity officer, Jonathan Beane, was quick to ensure the public that Butker’s views were not a reflection of the NFL. The league’s decorative claims of “inclusion” and “diversity” ring hollow when they effectively tell a conservative Catholic to zip it when it comes to Pride Month. Interesting how ‘inclusion,’ by their standards, seems to apply only to those toeing the leftist line.

It’s also worth noting that while Butker was slammed for expressing his opinion, the NFL remained silent on far graver issues such as the arrests of other players, notably Butker’s teammate Rashee Rice.

The frosting on the farcical cake was a petition that surfaced following the ordeal, demanding Butker’s termination from the Chiefs. The irony is palpable: While harping about conservatives “ending democracy” and stifling freedom of speech, the Left flagrantly amplifies their intolerance and lack of regard for a differing standpoint.

In conclusion, the situation serves as a glaring example of the one-sided tolerance practiced by many. The claim of inclusivity becomes comical when you aren’t celebrating, but attacking someone like Harrison Butker for his views. It’s yet further evidence that the calls for ‘progress’ ring hollow if they only serve to silence any voice of dissent, disagreement, or difference.


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