Exclusive: Top Totalitarianism Expert Spills Shocking Insights on Trump – Is it MAGA-Phobia? Find Out Now!

Exclusive: Top Totalitarianism Expert Spills Shocking Insights on Trump - Is it MAGA-Phobia? Find Out Now!
Exclusive: Top Totalitarianism Expert Spills Shocking Insights on Trump - Is it MAGA-Phobia? Find Out Now!
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If you’re tired of the mainstream media’s overblown doomsday predictions about a possible second Trump term, you’re not alone. Their distaste for the former president seems to have blinded them to the facts of his first term, which, last time I checked, hadn’t morphed into a totalitarian regime. But that doesn’t stop them from playing a dangerous game of ‘what if.’

A recent article on Politico featured a conversation with Samantha Rose Hill, identified as an expert on totalitarianism and a scholar of Hannah Arendt. The story focused on the supposed ‘dangers’ of Trump possibly returning to office. They used Arendt’s studies to make their point, conveniently sidestepping her insights that might equally apply to left-wing behaviors.

Hill, a professor at the Brooklyn Institute for Social Research, suggests that loneliness and social disconnect spurred Trump’s rise. She warns Arendt would’ve linked this not only to Trump’s ascent but also to the fervor on both the right and left. Apparently, she’s developed medium-like abilities to channel the deceased philosopher to support her arguments.

The cherry on this sundae of speculation? Making an issue out the weather during Trump’s inauguration. They remodeled the claim ‘It isn’t raining’ as a stepping stone to authoritarianism. Well, here’s a reality check, Politico. Recall how you, without questions, parroted the ‘Russian disinformation’ narrative on the Hunter Biden story in 2020, only for it to be debunked later?

The article then jumped on Trump being in the ‘authoritarian’ stage before inevitably touching totalitarianism. It’s as if they’re so immersed in their foreboding narratives that these stretches of imagination barely shock them anymore.

Hill, drawing on Arendt’s work, suggests that authoritarianism is a precursor to totalitarianism. She sees signs of political domination in Trump’s disagreement with the 2020 election result. What she doesn’t address, though, is the pervasive influence of the government and law enforcement in opposing Trump.

It’s fascinating, isn’t it, how the left refuses to acknowledge the possibility of its own authoritarian tendencies, branding it as ‘safeguarding democracy.’ If the media insist on conjuring dystopian scenarios of Trump’s return, maybe they should take a moment to look at the mirror.

In conclusion, if you’re seeking a balanced view of the political landscape, it’s clear you won’t find it in Politico. Their bias blurs their objectivity, causing them to overlook inconvenient facts or views that challenge their outlook. As consumers of news, we should demand more insightful and balanced reporting instead of this fear-mongering speculation.


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