Shocking Secrets ABC/CBS/NBC Won’t Tell You About Biden’s Border Crisis: The 8 Most Horrifying Crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants!

Shocking Secrets ABC/CBS/NBC Won't Tell You About Biden's Border Crisis: The 8 Most Horrifying Crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants!
Shocking Secrets ABC/CBS/NBC Won't Tell You About Biden's Border Crisis: The 8 Most Horrifying Crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants!
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In just one short month, eight severe crimes were committed by those who shouldn’t have even been on American soil. All could have been prevented if the Biden administration had dealt effectively with the border crisis. These culprits are illegal immigrants involved in different crimes that vary from sexual assaults to fatal car crashes, making local headlines but escaping the national scene entirely. The mainstream media giants – ABC, CBS, NBC – remain aloof from covering these well-reported transgressions.

In a hasty turn of events, the House sent impeachment articles against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for his response to the crisis back in April. NewsBusters highlighted cases of innocent victims killed by illegal immigrants during the Biden administration that major networks decided to overlook. Sadly, the list has continued to grow since then.

Let’s delve into the eight heinous crimes committed by illegal immigrants in the past month – crimes the mainstream media decided not to show us:

A hideous episode on 15th May where the Los Angeles Sheriff’s department saved a woman from a notoriously infamous ‘rape dungeon on wheels’. The offender was an illegal immigrant from Mexico who had abducted and assaulted his 26-year-old victim and was taken into custody.

Next, on 7th May, we find an illegal Guatemalan immigrant, previously set free by Border Patrol, was charged for kidnapping and sexual assault of a minor. He had been granted a court date back in 2027 but was recently arrested after reaching Florida.

Thirdly, we find a mother who hired a hitman to kill witnesses in her son’s case. The woman, Josefina Cardona-Cardona, an illegal immigrant herself, was arrested after orchestrating an attempt against two witnesses testifying against her son.

On 10th May, police reported an illegal immigrant who caused a fatal car crash whilst having an alcohol level almost quadruple the legal limit.

On 8th May, eye-witnesses recall a fatal car crash in Maine caused by an erratic and unlicensed Mexican national in the country illegally.

In another case, a man, supposed to be deported seven years ago, was arrested for attacking a pregnant minor. Despite an order for his deportation back in 2017, the man was still in the country and now faces serious charges.

A Colombian national, wanted in his home country for ‘serious crimes’, was arrested in Massachusetts on 13th May. However, despite his grave charges, he was released on his recognizance after having been apprehended illegally entering the U.S.

Finally, an illegal immigrant whose visa ended in 2021, was arrested and charged for sexually assaulting two young girls after breaking into their Michigan home.

No coverage was given to these crimes by ABC, CBS, or NBC’s morning and evening shows.

If these don’t jolt us into focusing on the real issue, what will? These eight heinous crimes expose an abysmal failure of border management. It’s time we demand concrete actions from the administration to secure our borders and protect citizens. Let’s not wait for the list of victims to grow any longer before some concrete action is finally taken.


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