Watch: Amanpour’s Shocking Invite to Power-Hungry ICC Prosecutor who Smashes the GOP!

Watch: Amanpour's Shocking Invite to Power-Hungry ICC Prosecutor who Smashes the GOP!
Watch: Amanpour's Shocking Invite to Power-Hungry ICC Prosecutor who Smashes the GOP!
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In a Monday interview that aired on CNN International and PBS’s Amanpour and Company, International Criminal Court (ICC) Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan was given carte blanche by Christiane Amanpour to deride Republican critics. The fact that Khan used this international platform to paint himself as a noble crusader battling the political machinations of GOP politicians raises eyebrows.

Khan utilized the airtime to announce his pursuit of arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant; Amanpour posed softball questions, allowing him to justify his actions. When the topic turned to America’s non-participation with the ICC, Amanpour paraphrased stern letters from Republican Senators such as Tom Cotton, Mitch McConnell, and others, indicating that any action targeting Israel would have repercussions on the ICC himelf. She queried pointedly, “Is that a threat?”

Sen. Lindsey Graham voiced his disappointment at being misled by Khan who, instead of heading to Israel to discuss allegations with officials there, chose to announce his plans on CNN instead. Even Secretary of State Antony Blinken voiced criticism over the clumsy mishandling, questioning the credibility of the entire investigation.

Khan’s dismissal of his critics as “hotheads” belies the unfair and unilateral actions being taken by him. His claims of working with the Biden Administration on various global crises and his insistence that the values of the ICC are innately American feels hollow considering his current actions. His rhetoric begs the question: who’s the real bully here?

Khan’s assertion doesn’t hold up under scrutiny. The U.S. collaborated with Khan on the Ukraine because of the country’s invasion by external forces; a matter of imperial aggression, not because they were inherently supportive of Khan’s methods. Even his assertions about the ICC being the modern embodiment of Nuremberg and his drive for justice over brute force lays flat when one remembers that he’s trying to single-handedly target prominent global leaders, largely to appease anti-Israel sentiments.

Taking cues from his predecessor, Fatou Bensouda who made a habit of overreaching her authority, Khan seems to have lost sight of the role a prosecutor should play in an international tribunal. Bensouda, who launched questionable investigations into U.S troops in Afghanistan, ended up misusing her power and ended her term with a high-ranking position in The Gambia.

The game Khan is playing – targeting Israel to please the anti-Israel gallery – is not only disrespectful but raises questions about his judgement and credibility. The real test will be seeing how the future unfolds for him – will he end up like Bensouda, snatching a comfortable position on the back of politicized investigations? Time, and justice, will tell.


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