Maher Shocks Hostin: Unveils Astonishing Facts About Hamas’s Animosity for Jews!

Maher Shocks Hostin: Unveils Astonishing Facts About Hamas's Animosity for Jews!
Maher Shocks Hostin: Unveils Astonishing Facts About Hamas's Animosity for Jews!
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Let’s cut right to the chase. Noted comedian Bill Maher steamrolled Sunny Hostin, co-host of ABC’s The View and claimed descendant of slave-owners, on Tuesday by presenting the raw truth about Hamas’s anti-Semitism, leaving the audience in shock when stating that the answer is as simple as “stop attacking Israel.” Hostin got tangled in her webs as she struggled to maintain her stance against Maher’s straightforward, fact-based defenses.

Maher gave straightforward blows to the progressive left, expressing disappointment at their fuzzy judgment. “It’s shocking how they get confused about the good guys and bad guys,” Maher simply stated. And he didn’t let up, challenging them to experience firsthand the intolerant beliefs held in Gaza, stating, “You won’t last a day in pre-war Gaza. You’ll be on your knees begging to live in Tel Aviv, a place that matches your values.”

When Hostin played the Israel-is-an-“apartheid-state” card, Maher responded sharp and sure, pointing out the issue of “gender apartheid” in many major Muslim countries, including Gaza. Even co-hosts Joy Behar and Alyssa Farah Griffin found truth in Maher’s point, surprising indeed.

When Hostin resorted to throwing inflated casualty statistics around, Maher remained stoic and unyielding. To each of Hostin’s prods and pokes filled with unverified numbers, and questionable actions of international organizations biased against Israel, Maher responded decidedly:

“Innocent lives? Of course, they matter. A subpoena for Bibi Netanyahu? That’s absurd. But it’s war, they were attacked, they’re responding.”

Big point: Why does Hamas need to disappear? Simply put, they’re a terrorist group bent on wiping out the Jewish people, the state of Israel. That’s their declaration as they scream ‘from the river to the sea.’ Maher didn’t shy away from reminding Hostin of this crucial detail.

History isn’t lost on Maher either; he reminded Hostin of the five wars sparked by Hamas since they were given the land. The funds provided by the international community could have been used for development, but instead, they funded bombs, guns, and tunnels.

Cornered, Hostin resorted once more to questioning Maher’s concern for innocent lives, implying that defending Israel meant indifference to such casualties. Maher, undeterred, responded firmly, “Everyone is. War is brutal. But there’s an easy fix: Stop attacking Israel!”

As the concrete reality of Maher’s words settled, a disconcerting silence enveloped the stunned cast and audience before breaking into applause.

In a few short moments, Maher brought cold, hard facts to a hot table, dismantling preconceived notions, and simplifying the narrative. At the end of the day, the path to peace couldn’t be more uncomplicated: Stop the attacks on Israel. If only everyone would get on board.


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