You Won’t Believe How CNN’s Bash Smooths Over Biden’s Racial Controversy Involving Kamala!

You Won't Believe How CNN's Bash Smooths Over Biden's Racial Controversy Involving Kamala!
You Won't Believe How CNN's Bash Smooths Over Biden's Racial Controversy Involving Kamala!
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CNN host Dana Bash found herself playing a dual role this past Sunday. Not only was she the anchor for ‘State of the Union’, but she also seemed to be moonlighting as a defender for the Biden campaign. When posed with a tough question on Biden’s racial track record by Senator Tim Scott, Bash fumbled for words, conveniently choosing to overlook the past.

Diving right in, Bash started her show by putting South Carolina Republican Senator Tim Scott on the hot seat, hurling a Biden ad at him that berated former President Trump’s stance on race. An unusual bait and switch, considering Bash seldom uses attack ads from the Republican party to corner any Democrats.

Caught off guard, Senator Scott immediately drew attention to the race-related accusations Vice President Kamala Harris had previously levied against Biden during the 2020 presidential cycle. To jog your memory, Harris accused Biden of supporting segregation, a charge which, as Scott highlighted, could be confirmed.

Interestingly, Bash was quicker to jump to Biden’s defense than provide clarity or context. Rather dismissively, she told her viewers to consider the timing of Harris’s comments, implying her words held little weight now as they were uttered during the nomination race. A convenient perspective, to say the least.

But let’s not be brazen about rewriting history. In a 2019 presidential debate, Kamala Harris had confronted Biden publicly, saying she was hurt to hear him talk about the reputations of segregationist senators and his work with them to oppose busing.

Digging into CNN’s own report in the archives, it becomes evident that Biden’s history isn’t as clean-cut as Bash would have us believe. The man has not just been vocal in his praise for senators who supported segregation and opposed the Civil Rights Act, but at different times, he also lauded segregationist senators Stennis, Thurmond, and Eastland as his friends.

The NBC News also sheds light on this, pointing out that Biden didn’t just compromise with segregationists. He battled for their cause in schools. This wasn’t a secret even when Harris highlighted Biden’s flawed history during the presidential run.

Yet, Bash chose to brush off these assertions about Biden, but the truth is evident – as is Bash’s glaring bias.

In his final salvo, Senator Scott touched upon a particularly damning truth about Biden which often gets overlooked: the man had complained about desegregation, claiming it would force his children to grow up in a racial jungle.

As we navigate the political maze, one thing is clear: let’s not count on Bash to expose the full picture. Even as evidence mounts against Biden, she seems keen on playing defense for the Biden campaign, even if it means brushing inconvenient truths under the rug. Get the general idea, folks? We’re dealing with a host whose view is more skewed than panoramic.


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