Jill Biden’s Explosive New Book: A Glowing Beacon for Biden’s 2024 Campaign? ABC Thinks So!

Jill Biden's Explosive New Book: A Glowing Beacon for Biden's 2024 Campaign? ABC Thinks So!
Jill Biden's Explosive New Book: A Glowing Beacon for Biden's 2024 Campaign? ABC Thinks So!
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Another book tour hits the networks, this time starring none other than First Lady, Dr. Jill Biden. Pitching her latest kid’s book “Willow the White House Cat” on Good Morning America, Biden turns the event into another standard cookie-cutter campaign boost – typical of the Democrats, right?

The First Lady takes this opportunity to pronounce an apocalyptic ‘end of Democracy’ if her husband is not elected. Kind of strange for a feminist like Biden to divert focus from her own work and spotlight her husband, isn’t it? George Stephanopoulos asks what’s at stake in the upcoming election, and Biden replies, “Everything is at stake,” suggesting an impending doomsday if the choice isn’t her husband. More fear rhetoric from the Biden campaign? Shoehorning campaign strategies into a children’s book discussion doesn’t seem too far off-brand.

Yet, the ABC network seems to treat the First Lady with kid gloves, a courtesy extended solely to Democratic party members. Consider the treatment Melania Trump received throughout her tenure in the White House. ABC didn’t think twice about grilling her with overly personal questions about her family and marriage. It’s no secret we’ve got media bias on our hands.

Moving back to the interview’s beginning, the ABC crew showers Biden with praise for her book. They swoon over teaching, her supposed contribution to “women’s health,” and how the book provides insights into the rather mundane lifestyle of a White House cat. This isn’t journalism – it’s a fluffy miniature campaign tour in the guise of a casual interview.

Just like Chelsea Clinton, Biden seems to have found a clever way to push the family’s political agenda through children’s literature. With every soft question and glowing praise from ABC, it’s clear this is less of an interview and more a campaign promotion.

What’s most concerning though is this marketing strategy isn’t new nor original. Nearly four years ago, Biden aired a similar spiel, again advocating her husband’s suitability for office. They say, “history repeats itself,” but it sure seems like the Democrats operate on a pretty stale loop.

In conclusion, Dr. Jill Biden’s recent appearance on Good Morning America was less about publicizing her new children’s book and more about shameless self-promotion and political campaigning. As viewers and voters, we deserve more respect and less manipulation. But with the current state of mainstream media reporting, I wouldn’t hold my breath.


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