Melinda French Gates Pledges Unprecedented $1 Billion to Revolutionize Abortion, Gender & Social Justice – Girls’ Lives to be Transformed!

Melinda French Gates Pledges Unprecedented $1 Billion to Revolutionize Abortion, Gender & Social Justice - Girls' Lives to be Transformed!
Melinda French Gates Pledges Unprecedented $1 Billion to Revolutionize Abortion, Gender & Social Justice - Girls' Lives to be Transformed!
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As we kick things off, it’s imperative to note that billionaire philanthropist, Melinda French Gates, no longer Mrs. Bill Gates, declared she’s planning to hand over a colossal chunk of her wealth, a tidy $1 billion, to organizations which ostensibly champion the cause of women and girls worldwide. Intriguingly, this bold move overlaps with her progressive agenda.

French Gates is set to part ways with the foundation she co-started with her former spouse, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Thanks to the separation, she’s to benefit from a $12.5 billion payout from Gates’ holdings, setting the stage for her grand donation plan. Remarkably, her preferred organizations heavily favor left-leaning inclinations, including radical ideas about gender change and abortion rights.

The Associated Press acknowledged that French Gates’ donations will be rolled out through her Pivotal Ventures organization. The funds, her group reported, will be earmarked as follows:

US organizations that uphold women and girls will get $200 million. Meanwhile, $240 million will be afforded to global leaders, in $20 million bundles each. An additional $250 million will be assigned through Lever for Change to bodies dedicated to enhancing women’s mental and physical wellness.

It might be worth noting that among the groups tagged for cash injections are well-established “woke” organizations with prominent figures leading. That’s not to mention, the Center for Reproductive Rights occupies a prime spot. This group, significantly invested in making abortion universally accessible, isn’t shy about flaunting its achievements. Indeed, their website proudly reveals that 1.7 billion people are better guarded legally against abortion, courtesy of their work.

Additionally, the Collaborative for Gender + Reproductive Equity (CGRE), which advocates for radical ideologies such as transgenderism, Black Lives Matter rhetoric, and abortion, is also set to be a beneficiary. A substantial grant of $20 million is expected to find a home with M.V. Lee Badgett, who co-founded Koppa: The LGBTQI+ Economic Power Lab with the implied intent of bolstering progressivism globally.

In the grand scheme of things, such agendas fail spectacularly in about fostering the essence of life. These belittle the meaning of life, prioritizing individual needs while glorifying incoherent illusions. This is in stark contrast to mainstream media, including CBS, which were suddenly head over heels at French Gates’ plans.

CBS, in no uncertain terms, massively propagated French Gates’ intent, labelling it a “historic” pledge, seemingly working to “support” women and girls. They seemed entirely captivated by this “stunning announcement”, characterizing it as decisive advocacy for women and girls’ rights.

However, here’s a pressing twist. If French Gates were earnest about serving women and girls, her windfall could have easily been channeled to causes with more profound impacts – think adoption agencies, foster care, pregnancy resource centers, or financial aid to women opting to keep their unborn children. This, friends, is what true support would look like. But it seems this isn’t the path French Gates has chosen. Instead, she’s decided to throw her weight behind funding initiatives that don’t necessarily uplift women but prefer to pander to woke ideologies.


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