Shocking Revelations: MRC’s Bozell Exposes Chilling Media Bias in Trump’s Trial, Tells All to Mark Levin!

Shocking Revelations: MRC's Bozell Exposes Chilling Media Bias in Trump's Trial, Tells All to Mark Levin!
Shocking Revelations: MRC's Bozell Exposes Chilling Media Bias in Trump's Trial, Tells All to Mark Levin!
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Thursday delivered a galling verdict for the supporters of former President Donald Trump, finding him guilty on all counts in a trial overseen by the seemingly left-leaning District Attorney (D.A.) Alvin Bragg. A damning indictment not just of Trump himself, but shining a stark light on the glaring bias that pervades our news outlets, as the Media Research Center’s (MRC) groundbreaking research has shown.

MRC’s study lays bare some hard truths about modern journalism. An astounding total of 640 minutes were devoted to the trial by network newscasts since jury selection, out of which a disproportionate 244 minutes were solely focused on attacking Trump. That equates to a third of all coverage dedicated to slinging mud on the former president. An inequitable distribution, wouldn’t you agree?

What’s more unsettling is D.A. Bragg, a known Democrat, attracted suspiciously minimal mention from our beloved networks. Only two mentions on NBC and nary a whisper of his political agenda. Even ABC and CBS didn’t shy away from underreporting the political affiliations of key figures in the trial, opting instead to amplify narratives that supported their preferences.

It’s a clear move away from an objective recounting of events. Far from suggestive of innocent bias, it appears more an intentional ploy, a tactical play designed solely to boost Biden’s campaign, which speaks volumes about the alarming ties between liberal media and the Biden regime.

The blatant manipulation doesn’t end there though. It’s baffling to note the limited coverage given to defining facts concerning the trial’s lead prosecution witness, Michael Cohen’s perjury conviction history, and about Judge Juan Merchan being a Biden donor. An intentional suppression of critical facts only cements the suspicion of a targeted media campaign to tarnish Trump’s image while conveniently boosting Biden’s.

On a more hopeful note, the MRC’s Brent Bozell asserts that the tide could very well switch in favor of Trump. The unyielding MAGA base, people frustrated with mounting economic issues under Biden’s rule, and even soft Biden supporters might perceive the clear media bias and rally behind Trump. Meanwhile, the media’s persistent attempts to align itself solidly with Biden serve only to cut it further from the pulse of the nation they’re meant to inform objectively.

We’ve seen bias against Republican candidates before, but we’ve not experienced a media that doesn’t merely spin stories, but outright lies and withholds information from the American public. It’s high time Congress steps up and uses its authority to address this issue before our democracy erodes beyond repair.

By highlighting the media’s particular enthusiasm towards far-left NEOMarxist views, Bozell leaves us with a stark reminder. These are not just criticisms against a political party or a particular leader but an institutionalized attempt at subverting the fabric of our society in favor of neo-Marxist ideals that could upend the balance of our society.

Therefore, it’s important to seek out honest discourse and facts irrespective of the popular narrative. Let’s hope for a revival of true journalism that respects facts above sensationalism, preserving the values upon which the American republic stands.


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