Unbelievable Developments: Trump Verdict Triggers Soros-Backed Group to Plead For Big Tech Censorship – Must Read!

Unbelievable Developments: Trump Verdict Triggers Soros-Backed Group to Plead For Big Tech Censorship - Must Read!
Unbelievable Developments: Trump Verdict Triggers Soros-Backed Group to Plead For Big Tech Censorship - Must Read!
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Do you value your right to free speech? Well, a Soros-funded organization thinks you’ve said enough. It is calling on Big Tech to clamp down on your freedom to express, following the verdict on Donald Trump.

Maya Wiley, president, and CEO of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, made a beeline for Big Tech and government officials, urging them to home in on “disinformation.” Wiley’s command is backed by her Soros-funded coalition, which received a cool sum of $6.92 million as part of no fewer than 10 grants from Soros’s Open Society Foundations (OSF) between 2016 and 2022. Their aim? To suppress your free speech.

Wiley speculated that Trump’s verdict would spawn untamed disinformation, conjecturing, without evidence, that this would come from white supremacists, political operatives, and even foreign governments. Wiley’s grand solution? Content moderation, a phrase tightly packed with leftist propaganda for censorship of free speech.

Wiley’s rationale for censorship banks on the basis that online content from Trump supporters is potentially violent. She apocalyptically argued that these social media companies have the responsibility to shield users from information she deems unfit for consumption and warned against catastrophic consequences for inaction. But who gets to decide what is ‘fit’?

What we see is an alarming push from Wiley towards curbing free speech. Her belief that social media companies and government officials have a significant obligation to prevent falsehoods from surfacing online or translating into real-world violence depicts an environment ripe for the erosion of free speech under the guise of ‘protection.’

If we let Wiley have her way, we grant her the power to determine what’s deemed as misinformation, and what’s not. Who gets to voice their opinion, and who must remain silent. Ultimately, our democracy, our freedom of speech is at risk here.

It’s time that we as conservatives take action against this new threat to our free speech. Encourage your representative to hold Big Tech accountable and demand clarity on understanding and implementing “hate speech” rules. Take a stand against censorship and demand equal footing for conservative voices in the public debate. We must uphold our First Amendment rights in the face of these onslaughts or risk being silenced forever. The time to act is now.


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