You Won’t Believe How Celebs Exploded with Happiness After the Trump Verdict!

You Won't Believe How Celebs Exploded with Happiness After the Trump Verdict!
You Won't Believe How Celebs Exploded with Happiness After the Trump Verdict!
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Former President Donald J. Trump has just been found guilty on all 34 counts in his hush-money trial. This has sparked a tidal wave of reaction among celebrities, in a manner all too predictable.

You may remember Kathy Griffin, whose claim to fame revolved around a tacky publicity stunt featuring a facsimile of Trump’s decapitated head. That stunt got her fired from CNN back in 2017. Now, she’s back on Twitter, celebrating the verdict with her usual discretion and class, tagging Stormy Daniels and expressing “TEARS OF JOY.”

Singer Barbra Streisand joined in, gleefully proclaiming, “Hallelujah! TRUTH WON. I hope Trump’s constituents keep their word when they said they wouldn’t vote for him if he was convicted.” Author Stephen King found time to chime in, taking a jab at Tucker Carlson with his tweet about Trump’s downfall.

To no one’s surprise, Hollywood stalwart Rob Reiner declared, “Donald Trump is a Convicted Felon. Now it’s up to the the voters of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania to ensure a Convicted Felon does not become the President of the United States.” Other actors like Bette Midler and John Leguizamo similarly voiced their triumph at Trump’s conviction.

Star Wars actor Mark Hamill even posted a graphic with the word “GUILTY” written in bold red.

However, some voices of reason also rose above the cacophony. For instance, tech mogul and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk argued this verdict dealt significant damage to the public’s faith in the American legal system, observing, “If a former President can be criminally convicted over such a trivial matter – motivated by politics rather than justice – then anyone is at risk of a similar fate.”

Musk’s sentiments were echoed by Caitlyn Jenner, father of the Jenner girls and former Olympian, who in agreement stated, “Thank you! 1000%.” Jenner, too, aired grievances over this state of affairs, stating, “An outrageous day for America. The entire process has been outrageous, of course.”

The sentencing is set for July 11. As this media circus rumbles on, one can only guess what kind of spectacle we’ll witness next.

While the left celebrates, concerns for justice and a fair legal system remain. While the verdict stands, one can only hope the integrity of our justice system prevails over politics. This saga has only further shed light on the reality of an America divided by viewpoint, a divide where the presumption of innocence until proven guilty is densely clouded by political agendas.


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