You Won’t Believe How Trump’s Lawyer Silenced Stephanopoulos on ABC!

You Won't Believe How Trump's Lawyer Silenced Stephanopoulos on ABC!
You Won't Believe How Trump's Lawyer Silenced Stephanopoulos on ABC!
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Pay attention, folks. ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, a Clinton loyalist, recently tumbled down a rabbit hole of Democrat talking points while interviewing Trump defense attorney Will Scharf. Let’s break it down for you.

Scharf took Stephanopoulos to task over the contested matter of judicial recusal, which Stephanopoulos misrepresented by resorting to calculated whataboutism. Echoing the sentiments of many, Scharf argued, “This is a prosecution that should never have been brought. This was a case tried in front of a judge who clearly should have recused.” He voiced serious concerns about the methods and conduct of the trial, raising valid points about perceived political favoritism by the presiding judge.

Stephanopoulos countered by citing a New York ethics panel’s claim that the judge had no obligation to step down. Still, Scharf confidently retorted, highlighting the precedent of “appearance of impropriety” held by the Supreme Court, which can mandate a recusal regarding due process. By not removing himself from the case, the judge only added to these concerns.

Turning the spotlight on the justices in the Supreme Court’s existing cases, Stephanopoulos asked why they shouldn’t recuse themselves if they’re judged by the same standard. Scharf coolly dismissed the comparison, highlighting the significant difference between potential conflicts of interest and actual infringements on the judicial code of conduct.

To those of us watching, it’s crystal clear: the trial was less about law enforcement and more about political gamesmanship. Moreover, the media’s role can hardly be overlooked in this fiasco. Too often, a tunnel-vision narrative dominates the airwaves, feeding into the political circus.

Stephanopoulos didn’t hold back on old partisan tactics either. He tried to shift the narrative about legal system weaponization by bringing up 2016 chants against Hillary Clinton. Scharf rightly rebutted quickly, reminding everyone that chants do not equate to a politicized Department of Justice.

Stephanopoulos continued his misguided line of questioning, denying any coordination between Biden’s DoJ and New York County District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office. Scharf effectively countered this, revealing the direct link between the DoJ and Trump’s prosecution—Matthew Colangelo, a former DoJ figure, making the connection hard to ignore.

From this interview, it becomes readily apparent that a Condescending Stephanopoulos remains loyal to a media regime that unflinchingly defends questionable verdicts, even at the cost of our institutions’ integrity.

In conclusion, as Stephanopoulos’ feigned superiority continued to collapse under Scharf’s fact-based responses, one thing became clear: truth and integrity do not always find a home in mainstream media narratives. We must remain vigilant, continually questioning these narratives to uncover the real story beneath the partisan smokescreen.


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