Discover the Five Latest Biden Family Controversies That Major Networks like ABC, CBS, NBC Won’t Tell You About!

Discover the Five Latest Biden Family Controversies That Major Networks like ABC, CBS, NBC Won't Tell You About!
Discover the Five Latest Biden Family Controversies That Major Networks like ABC, CBS, NBC Won't Tell You About!
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Eyes have been locked on the trial proceedings involving Donald Trump, with the mainstream media networks ABC, CBS, and NBC clinging to every development. However, today, I am going to shift your focus to another significant case involving Hunter Biden, the son of the sitting president, which is mysteriously not gaining an ounce of the media attention it deserves.

The trial is centered around the gun possession allegations against Hunter Biden. While one could argue that Hunter Biden doesn’t carry the same weight as the former president, but let’s not forget that being the son of the sitting president he ought to be held under the same scrutiny. But guess what? ABC, CBS, NBC aren’t so bothered to provide fair coverage when Team Biden is really at stake.

This is not the first time that Biden family’s scandals are being shrugged off by these networks. They’ve displayed a troubling pattern of avoiding coverage of the scandals, particularly those involving Hunter Biden. To give you a clear picture, here are five updates within the last three months that went largely unreported:

Hunter Biden allegedly used the Sandy Hook memorial event to orchestrate a meeting between Joe Biden, his uncles, and a Chinese business partner. This was exposed by the New York Post based on text conversations obtained by IRS investigators from House Ways and Means Committee. The details of President Biden’s involvement in Hunter’s multimillion-dollar business arrangements with the Chinese were also laid bare.

The House Ways and Means Committee also provided evidence that Hunter Biden lied under oath during a deposition. IRS whistleblowers showed that Hunter misrepresented at least three times during his sworn testimony. The findings were enough for the panel’s majority to vote for its release.

Contrary to Hunter Biden’s claim of never introducing his dad to the Burisma executive, Congressional testimonies and other evidence revealed that then-Vice President Joe Biden dined with the Burisma executive. Do you find it surprising that ABC, CBS, NBC turned a blind eye to his backpedaling?

President Biden’s brother, Jim Biden, was found to be closely linked with Qatari government officials. The testimonies in a Kentucky bankruptcy court indicated that he garnered partnership and financial backing from two companies part-owned by the “members of the Qatari government”. These arrangements reveal the closest known financial linkages between the Biden family and a foreign government.

The CIA obstructed the federal investigators from interviewing Hunter Biden’s patron, Kevin Morris, during an investigation into the first son’s alleged tax crimes. This was disclosed by a whistleblower to the House impeachment leaders.

NBC, CBS, and ABC gave zero coverage time to each of these substantial crimes and allegations. The question is, why? This seems to be a clear case of bias, selectively choosing which legal proceedings to highlight based on political alignment.

This lack of coverage raises an important question: Are these news outlets really committed to providing the full picture, or is it about pushing a specific narrative? This selective reporting is undermining the principle of journalistic impartiality. It’s time we demand balanced and unbiased reporting from our news channels.


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