Shock Video: Rep. Jim Jordan Explosively Challenges Fauci Over Alleged Govt Suppression of Lab Leak Theory!

Shock Video: Rep. Jim Jordan Explosively Challenges Fauci Over Alleged Govt Suppression of Lab Leak Theory!
Shock Video: Rep. Jim Jordan Explosively Challenges Fauci Over Alleged Govt Suppression of Lab Leak Theory!
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Rep. Jim Jordan has got a bone to pick with Dr. Anthony Fauci. The Ohio congressman is seeking the truth behind the Biden administration’s heavy-handed censorship efforts over the lab leak theory about COVID-19’s origins.

Jim Jordan isn’t your average politician. He’s got a keen eye for finding out the truth, and he’s not afraid to shake things up. During a recent hearing, he cornered Fauci over some serious matters, such as gain-of-function research, and the unsettling reports of COVID-19 related experiments on puppies. But his main beef? The government’s interfering arm, extending all the way into the world of social media, pressurizing platforms like Facebook to censor talk of the lab leak theory.

Jordan revealed the inner dynamics of this censorship, reading out a telling message from Mark Zuckerberg himself which hinted at pressure from the White House to keep the lab leak theory under wraps. This, mind you, only months into the Biden administration.

He didn’t stop there. Jordan came armed with another example. “Facebook email subject line: ‘COVID misinformation Wuhan Lab Leak Theory.’ It spoke of the ‘public pressure and tense conversations with the new administration,’ that led to the removal of five COVID claims, including the lab leak theory.” The backlash was immediate; regrets were voiced about compromising standards due to administration pressure.

Last year, Jordan let loose what we now refer to as the Facebook Files, showing how extensive the government’s pressure was to bend Big Tech to its narrative.

He wasn’t the only congressman taking a stand. During the hearing, Rep. Rich McMormick voiced his own concerns about the censorship of COVID-related information and shockingly revealed that his own medical license was threatened for not toeing the line. “My opinions were relegated to conspiracy, misinformation by so-called health care experts, who had never treated a patient throughout the entire pandemic.”

We’re not just talking about a theory here, we’re talking about the right to free speech, and moreover the obligation to ensure Americans have all the information.

Switching gears to the ending note, it’s becoming increasingly clear: conservatives are under fire. It’s up to us to keep our representatives in check and demand that Big Tech operate in a transparent, unbiased manner, respecting the First Amendment. The fight continues, and as conservative voices, we must be relentless in standing up for our rights.


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