Shocking Revelation: Did Media Networks Cover Up Biden’s Forgotten 350K Asylum Cases? Find Out Now!

Shocking Revelation: Did Media Networks Cover Up Biden's Forgotten 350K Asylum Cases? Find Out Now!
Shocking Revelation: Did Media Networks Cover Up Biden's Forgotten 350K Asylum Cases? Find Out Now!
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I have some breaking news to share about President Joe Biden’s upcoming executive order that the mainstream media seems to have conveniently skimmed over. It appears the President has finally decided to tackle the immigration situation at the southern border. Rather than painting it as a political move, we need to address the real issue at hand: the security of our nation.

On Monday, June 3rd, 2024, CBS Evening News aired a report covering this major executive order. The CBS News report, hosted by Norah O’Donnell and featuring White House correspondent Nancy Cordes, mostly discussed the expected executive order and its possible political fallout. However, the main crux of the order was overlooked- the order’s potential to alter our current immigration system drastically.

According to CBS News, the order will grant U.S. immigration officials the authority to deport migrants without processing their asylum claims whenever illegal border crossings exceed a certain daily threshold, rumored to be 2,500 apprehensions a day. If this number holds, the immigration ban could be triggered immediately as the southern border apprehensions in May exceeded this number.

The new policy implies that the Biden administration recognizes the flaws in the present asylum process where seekers can stay for years as their cases are processed. This drawn-out process has often been exploited by people who don’t qualify for asylum, but use it as a way to stay in the U.S. indefinitely. As predictable, the left says this immigration shutdown is harsh; they’re just lamenting the fact that Republicans rejected a bipartisan senate deal that could have created something similar.

ABC News and NBC News mirrored CBS’s talking points, focusing again on the political implications rather than the core immigration issue. In fact, both networks used the executive order’s news to segue into discussions about the election of Mexico’s next president, Claudia Sheinbaum. They preferred to give airtime to this event rather than focusing on how the executive order could reshape America’s immigration approach.

Interestingly, all these reports failed to discuss a related vital piece of news- the Biden administration’s recent decision to dismiss 350,000 asylum cases. Jennie Taer, a journalist for The New York Post, broke the news that the government has been silently closing asylum cases, creating a silent mass amnesty program.

In conclusion, it’s sad how mainstream media outlets have decided to prioritize political point-scoring rather than concentrating on substantial issues like national security and rule of law. As always, it seems their mission is to cast President Biden in the best light possible while disregarding any pertinent issues. It’s essential to stay informed and question the narrative shaped by media giants.


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