Unbelievable! See How Hunter Biden’s Gun Trial Gets Surprisingly Gentle Treatment!

Unbelievable! See How Hunter Biden's Gun Trial Gets Surprisingly Gentle Treatment!
Unbelievable! See How Hunter Biden's Gun Trial Gets Surprisingly Gentle Treatment!
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If you thought the media’s treatment of Trump was rough, just look at how gently they’re handling Hunter Biden’s legal troubles. It’s clear to anyone with eyes that the mainstream media is playing favorites. They’re handling Biden’s federal trial on gun charges with kid gloves compared to Trump’s Manhattan business records trial. A prime example: NBC sheds some light on the Hunter Biden laptop drama while CBS and ABC continue to pretend it doesn’t exist.

Here’s the scoop: Hunter tried to score himself a plea bargain to result in no jail time. But Republicans criticized it for the coddle-fest that it was, and it rightly fell apart under judicial examination. So now special prosecutor David Weiss is bringing out the big guns, literally and figuratively. He’s charging Biden on both tax and gun crimes, which Hunter seems to think he’s not guilty of. The star of the prosecution? The long-forgotten laptop. As Weiss puts it, it carries “significant evidence of the defendant’s guilt”.

You may recall the laptop story, dismissed as Russian disinformation and all but forgotten by the mainstream media for the past four years. But now Weiss is dishing out some cold hard truth: the laptop is real, and it’s going to be key evidence in the trial. But we’ll see if the rest of the media picks up on this, or just continues to stick their heads in the sand.

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room. Despite the lack of coverage on the laptop, there’s been plenty of airtime dedicated to portraying a tender family tale of fatherly love for a troubled son. Call me crazy, but since when is a 54-year-old man a “child?” I don’t recall the Bush twins, underage drinkers, being fed that line. But kudos to Lester Holt of NBC for refusing to jump on the bandwagon.

ABC’s Terry Moran went with a more sympathetic opening for his report. You know, the classic image of Hunter hand-in-hand with his wife, followed by First Lady Jill Biden, headed to court. A neat, emotional package wrapped tied up neatly with their continued denial of the laptop’s existence. And oh, did I mention Hunter’s supposed ongoing fight with drug addiction? A narrative that appears to exclude any negative aspects like his complex relationship with Hallie Biden.

To wrap up, if tonight’s sugar-coated coverage is any indication of what’s to come, we’re in for a treat. The story of the troubled son versus the real issue at hand – the unveiling of truth. The question is: will the media continue their sweet narrative, or will they start dishing out facts? Only time will tell.


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