SHOCKING: ABC Goes Easy on Biden on D-Day – Find Out What Happened!

SHOCKING: ABC Goes Easy on Biden on D-Day – Find Out What Happened!
SHOCKING: ABC Goes Easy on Biden on D-Day – Find Out What Happened!
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In today’s society, even sacred occasions like D-Day, a day embodying the liberation of Europe from Hitler’s clutch, aren’t safe from ABC’s unabashed praise for President Joe Biden. The most recent interview was just another testament to this.

David Muir, the World News Tonight anchor, without subtlety, directed Biden into defending the verdict of the Trump business records trial in New York. In a discussion about Trump’s guilty verdict on 34 felony counts, Muir sought Biden’s take, who proceeded to blame Trump for undermining the rule of law and institutions. This, however, overlooks the Democrat’s narrative – that no evidence was used to justify the conviction of Trump, one of his main political rivals. Predictably, Muir didn’t question this; instead, he coaxed Biden into vocalizing it.

Not only this, but the interview became a safe space for Biden to muse over executive action on immigration without much challenge. Senatorial action on border control, according to Biden, was all about turning the focus away from his executive powers.

The interview naturally mentioned the upcoming presidential debate as well. Muir seized the opportunity to use D-Day to hype the impending argument. In other words, a grave day was used as promotional material for political gains.

Without much surprise, Biden was also served easy questions over Israel’s conflict with Gaza and issues related to Ukraine. This interview felt like an entry pass into the Biden world, offering not much critical questioning, followed by a casual walk with the Bidens at the American Cemetery in Normandy.

Humorously enough, the place of this interview could’ve been anywhere in the United States. Yet the decision to conduct it on such an iconic day and venue was nothing short of a slap in the face of those who risked everything on D-Day, including those who did not return. This was a glaring disrespect to the memories of these brave individuals, further tarnishing a day of remembrance.

To sum it up, a day as significant as D-Day was crassly used for political gain without a shred of remorse. It doesn’t take much to see how, under the guise of answering ‘critical’ questions, Biden managed to spin narratives around his political priorities and how the ABC played into this with an absence of hard-hitting questions. The selection of such an iconic backdrop is another nail in the coffin for the respect we’re supposed to hold for our historical heroes.


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