Major Networks Ignoring Pro-Hamas Protest Outside White House – What NBC Doesn’t Want You to See!

Major Networks Ignoring Pro-Hamas Protest Outside White House - What NBC Doesn't Want You to See!
Major Networks Ignoring Pro-Hamas Protest Outside White House - What NBC Doesn't Want You to See!
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Let’s be blunt about it, folks — our mainstream media is turning a blind eye to important events. The most glaring omission? On a Saturday night buzzing with news, major networks brushed off or overlooked two significant details — a vociferous protest outside the White House and conspicuous silence about Hunter Biden.

So why did these networks prefer political slumber and opt for selective storytelling? They acted the perfect choirboys to President Biden, focusing instead on his swanky state dinner in Paris while completely ignoring the sea of people gathering in protest of his management of the Israel-Hamas conflict down his own doorstep. “Hey Joe Biden, you’re a sellout! Pack your bags and get the hell out!” was the overwhelming chorus. Not exactly the sort of newsworthy event you just stumble upon and then choose to ignore, right?

ABC, CBS, and PBS somehow managed to miss all the action — the smoke bombs, the vandalism, the loud pro-Hamas chants, and the provocative speeches about ‘vampirical’ universities. What’s even more laughable is The Washington Post’s effort to downplay the situation, branding the event as “largely peaceful.” Look, people, we aren’t buying it.

Our good ol’ friends at NBC News operated the damage control wheel, trying to brush things under the carpet. All we got was sanitized 10-second footage of the protests followed by a cheery voice-over advocating for Biden’s ceasefire proposal. But like it or not, there’s more to the story.

Next in the line of tone-deaf reportage is CBS, who instead swung the news cycle towards the dazzling events of Gay Pride in DC, thoroughly ignoring the unrest across town. Yet, wouldn’t miss the opportunity to rehash a dubious claim from 2020, that Trump referred to our war dead as “losers.” Folks, couldn’t we at least have a fact-check in this era of misinformation?

Now, if you watched ABC’s Saturday “World News Tonight,” you’d know all about a lawsuit against Cold Stone Creamery for an ice cream flavor, but not one word about the President’s son. How’s that for skewing news priorities?

At the end of the day, the bubble-wrapped reporting paints a troubling picture of how mainstream media operate. They’re choosing to report on glitzy dinners, touting parades, and resurrecting old narratives instead of giving us the full range of news as it unfolds. Hunter Biden gets a free pass once again, pro-Hamas protests get silenced and old allegations are resurrected to smear the opposition. This isn’t about conservative versus liberal. This is about holding those in power accountable and maintaining a free, fair, and informed society. We deserve better, America.


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