Discover Why Biden’s Advisor Scarborough is Urging Against Trump Discussing Hunter’s Scandals in the Debates!

Discover Why Biden's Advisor Scarborough is Urging Against Trump Discussing Hunter's Scandals in the Debates!
Discover Why Biden's Advisor Scarborough is Urging Against Trump Discussing Hunter's Scandals in the Debates!
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Here’s a nifty piece of news that will give you a good laugh. Informal Biden’s adviser, Joe Scarborough, seems to think he’s masterminding a Broadway show. Can you believe he’s coaching Biden with scripts and stage directions for the upcoming presidential debate? If you ask me, he really should’ve saved his “words of wisdom” for one of those alleged marathon phone calls.

Scarborough saw fit to meddle by giving Biden a retort, should Trump decide to bring up his son Hunter’s gun convictions during the debate. But think about it, visualizing Biden parroting Scarborough’s words could prove to be an embarrassing spectacle. But, Scarborough’s interference didn’t stop at sounding off intricate stage directions. His “performance advice” to Biden if Trump brings up Hunter is to look around and say, “Wait a second, I don’t see Hunter up here… I’m running against you Donald. Not against the ghost of your son Eric or my son Hunter.”

Beyond the script handing and stage coaching, Scarborough took it a step further. He hinted that Biden should go on the offensive, reminding Trump about his 34 felony convictions. While this is all showmanship, it doesn’t necessarily address the issue at hand, i.e., Trump’s attacks on the “Biden crime family”, including Joe Biden’s involvement in his son’s questionable dealings with foreign entities.

Scarborough even extended his “services” to Biden’s team, asserting that this is the time to double down on Trump’s status as a convicted felon. It’s intriguing how deeply enmeshed Scarborough wants to be in Team Biden. One has to wonder, with his long tenure in the air with Morning Joe, is Scarborough perhaps seeking a more exciting career – perhaps as a dedicated member of Team Biden, or better yet, the new White House Spokesperson?

So, here’s the takeaway: While Joe Scarborough sits comfortably in his commentator’s chair penning scripts and staging political debates, he neglects to address the real issues in a transparent and straightforward manner. We find ourselves amidst a spectacle, where the truth is buried under theatrics and the real concerns of the nation become a mere subplot. In these times of political furor, it’s critical to resist such distractions and focus on what truly matters – the prosperity of our nation, free from the shackles of power hungry puppet masters.


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