Shocking Revelation in CW’s ‘All American’: Does Justice Only Prevail when People of Color are Prosecuted?

Shocking Revelation in CW's 'All American': Does Justice Only Prevail when People of Color are Prosecuted?
Shocking Revelation in CW's 'All American': Does Justice Only Prevail when People of Color are Prosecuted?
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Right out of the gate, I’ve got some beef with CW’s sports drama, All American. Just as we thought the divisive race-stirring was a thing of the past, we’re slapped in the face with this week’s episode, “The Next Episode.” A disturbing message storming from one character: justice only sees light when folks of color are thrown under the bus—it’s enough to get your blood boiling.

Our focal points here are characters Coop and her romantic partner Patience. Both women are breaking their backs in the music industry: Patience as a soulful singer and Coop throwing down her lines as a rapper. The present kink in their journey? A terrifying experience with a stalked-turned-violent admirer, Miko, leaves both women in emotional turmoil.

The hammer comes down, and Miko’s trial is afoot. Coop spills the beans to Patience: Miko refused a plea deal. Cue the understandable frustration from Patience. She’s been to hell and back, her life capsized, unable to step into the studio due to fear. Miko, on the other hand, may just walk free.

But when Patience utters these words, “…justice is only served when it’s people like me and you being prosecuted,” everything takes a toxic turn. Coop encourages them to keep positive, to persevere. Patience is leaning towards moving back to New York if Miko skips the noose.

Here’s where the alarm bells ring for presenting a not-always-true narrative on a high-profile platform. Racism and injustice do exist in our legal system, we can’t refute that. But to say that justice only knocks on the door when a person of color is involved—it becomes a bitter pill for the informed to swallow. It’s the unnecessary fuel to a fire that’s already raging far too wide and causing an inferno of hate and hostility. This hyperbolic statement not only paints a grim picture but also throws a wrench in the race harmony we’re collectively striving for.

Let’s hope this particular episode of “All American” goes down as an anomaly. We’ve had enough of race baiting. If the makers are listening, do us a favor: keep the drama, but let’s cut the damaging content. Let’s be better than that, America.

In conclusion, while it’s healthy to address flaws within the system and discuss real issues plagically society, putting out overblown statements for the sake of drama is damaging. If entertainment is key, let’s keep it grounded to reality without sparking unnecessary controversy. “All American”, we’re hoping for quality content, let’s not take the low road ever again.


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