Watch Now! Networks Highlight Biden’s Fundraiser – The Shocking Moment They Ignored!

Watch Now! Networks Highlight Biden's Fundraiser - The Shocking Moment They Ignored!
Watch Now! Networks Highlight Biden's Fundraiser - The Shocking Moment They Ignored!
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If you’ve tuned into ABC, CBS, or NBC this Monday morning, you’ve likely heard lavish praise for Biden’s latest high-dollar fundraiser. Despite the fanfare and the $30 million feather in Biden’s cap, the media seems to cherry-pick the highlights, leaving out one pertinent detail – Biden appeared to freeze onstage, needing to be escorted off by Obama.

NBC’s Today offered a glowing account of the fundraiser, the crown jewel of which was an interaction between president Biden and comedian Jimmy Kimmel, the event’s host. Kimmel pulled no punches, implying that the prospect of Trump’s re-election was an existential threat to the Supreme Court. Biden echoed this sentiment while adding his view that the Supreme Court had never been more off-balance. Notably absent from the coverage was the fact that Biden seemed to hit a wall onstage and needed Obama to lead him off.

CBS Mornings likewise took great delight in reporting that the event had pulled in over $30 million, a record for a single Democratic event. It then promptly pivoted to an attack ad against Trump without providing current information on the campaign’s finances.

In a similar vein, ABC’s Good Morning America minimized their coverage of Biden’s fundraiser to inflate attacks against Trump. Again, they failed to address Biden’s freeze on stage, a tactical omission that doesn’t sit right with the public’s right to full disclosure.

However, none of the networks found time to report on Biden’s bizarre onstage freeze. After his speech, Biden stood quietly, staring into the audience for a full ten seconds before Obama had to guide him away. Yet, this incident remained conspicuously absent from any coverage.

Peculiarly, mainstream media networks seem to prioritize a robust, one-sided narrative over an honest depiction of events. Biden’s onstage slip-up could be indicative of larger concerns about his fitness for office. It’s the job of the press to report the facts, not pick and choose which ones suit their narrative. It’s the only way to ensure that we, as citizens, have the information we need to make informed decisions about our leadership.


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