You Won’t Believe What Hillary Wore to the Tony Awards at 77- And Her Explosive Message About Voting! Click Now!

You Won't Believe What Hillary Wore to the Tony Awards at 77- And Her Explosive Message About Voting! Click Now!
You Won't Believe What Hillary Wore to the Tony Awards at 77- And Her Explosive Message About Voting! Click Now!
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Imagine this, left-leaning Broadway glitz showering applause on the two-time Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, during the 77th Tony Awards. Sitting right there, inside the David H. Koch Theater at Lincoln Center, she humbly accepted the spotlight.

Interestingly, she walked onto the stage as a producer – not a politician – of a stirring musical titled “Suffs.” Now, who could’ve foreseen Clinton having any interest or talent in the performing arts? The show sets its drama during the 1913 American women’s movement, conspicuously making a statement about the importance of voting, yet still, she neglected to drop any names or overt endorsements.

When Clinton got the mike, she expressed her pride in the musical, where Shaina Taub notched her second Tony award, and touted about the originality of America’s suffragettes. In her words, “It is an election year, and we need to be reminded of how crucial it is to vote.” Seems a little odd, don’t you think, that throughout the evening, President Joe Biden was never once brought into the conversation?

Stranger still, the Broadway glitterati seemed to circumvent the elephant in the room – the current Israel-Hamas conflict. This neglect seems peculiar for a group that usually isn’t shy about getting vocal on political issues. There was no condemnation – neither of the severe acts committed by Hamas nor of the worrying rise in U.S. anti-semitism. Instead, the audience, both present and tuning in, were pounded with the spectacles of identity politics and the LGBTQ agenda.

For instance, the dance-musical “Illinoise” showcased male dancers getting passionately intimate. This rather unorthodox performance later sealed the Tony Award for Best Choreography.

However, it’s not a secret that the Tony Awards hasn’t been a favorite among TV viewers for quite some time. This apparent decline in viewer interest might resonate with the exhaustion of many Americans. They are wearied with the relentless sermons from liberal elites, and the unhealthy emphasis on race and sex.

After all, shouldn’t the communal experience of art be about bringing people together, not highlighting our differences? The bottom line: if the left continues using cherished American pastimes to push divisive political narratives, they may be heading towards a future where the applause mutes and the lights dim.


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