Acosta Grills Mayorkas on CNN: Is He Minimizing the Impact of Terror and Crime?

Acosta Grills Mayorkas on CNN: Is He Minimizing the Impact of Terror and Crime?
Acosta Grills Mayorkas on CNN: Is He Minimizing the Impact of Terror and Crime?
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On Tuesday, we all watched as Jim Acosta filled in for Laura Coates Live to interview nothing less than the Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. Rather than grilling Mayorkas on key issues, Acosta appeared to let the heavily criticized secretary sidestep serious concerns about potential terrorists crossing the border and crimes committed by illegal immigrants on President Biden’s watch.

Biden recently made a move announcing a path for undocumented spouses to gain permanent residency and eventually, legal citizenship. According to Acosta, recent poll results reveal that more than half of American voters (62%) believe that all undocumented immigrants should be deported, a noted increase from 39% in 2016. Acosta posed this uncomfortable statistic to Mayorkas, wondering how the Secretary would respond to Americans who felt this new policy was a step backward.

In response, Mayorkas conveniently compared the situation of illegal immigrants’ spouses to the spouses of U.S. service members and categorically stated his commitment to keeping families together, including undocumented spouses.

Not mincing his words, the discussion shifted to a more critical incident involving the recent arrest of eight Tajik individuals who had crossed the southern border. These individuals were later discovered to have ties to the notorious ISIS. When questioned about the potential threat of ISIS exploiting vulnerabilities at the border, Mayorkas nonchalantly mentioned a “heightened threat environment” but did not elaborate or express any significant concern.

Going a step further, Mayorkas used this platform to critique American society, highlighting the threat of domestic violent extremism, and individuals radicalized by foreign terrorist ideologies and anti-government sentiments, among other things.

Eventually, Mayorkas addressed the Tajik individuals who were openly let into the U.S. but insisted it wasn’t their fault since no “derogatory information” was available at the border. His concluding remarks seemed more like a rehearsed performance rather than an effective solution, stating his highest priority was to keep the American people safe while taking immigration enforcement action.

Acosta wrapped up the lightweight interrogation with a final question relating to the heartrending incident in Maryland, where an illegal immigrant killed a mother. Despite the tragic incident, Acosta played the hand of liberal media by arguing, “undocumented immigrants don’t commit more crimes statistically than native-born U.S. citizens.” He then handed Mayorkas the mic to dismiss the admin’s critics.

In conclusion, Mayorkas’ redirection, platitudes, and lack of concrete plans continue to be a cause for concern. It’s clear from the interview that the growing anxieties of the American public are met with hollow responses and passive actions. As we aim for a safer and more secure America, we deserve answers, not just hot air.


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