Discover Why MRC’s Houck Slams Team Biden’s ‘Cheap Fakes’ Line: Unveiling the Shocking New Debate Rules!

Discover Why MRC's Houck Slams Team Biden's 'Cheap Fakes' Line: Unveiling the Shocking New Debate Rules!
Discover Why MRC's Houck Slams Team Biden's 'Cheap Fakes' Line: Unveiling the Shocking New Debate Rules!
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You might want to sit up and listen to this intriguing piece of news. The big wigs from Biden’s brigade are trying to blame the unedited videos of President Biden’s decreasing cognizance on deep fakes and far-right misinformation campaigns. Here’s the kicker, Curtis Houck from NewsBusters showed up on Fox News to set the record straight, and boy did he deliver!

The Biden administration wants us to believe these videos, pure and unblemished by touch-ups, are phonies, can you believe it? Houck reminded viewers how the liberal press huffed and puffed over Trump’s slow walk post a speech at West Point in 2020 suggesting an undermined mental and physical state. And now when the tables are turned, they defend Biden and disregard the stark contrast in their reporting measures!

But this isn’t about the liberal media and their double standards alone. Amber Duke from The Spectator observed, it’s desperate. It’s a desperate attempt to dissuade you from trusting your instincts. It’s a cheap trick to dismiss anything putting Biden in an unflattering light.

To add to the hype, the left-leaning New York magazine pulled a new trick from their bag by focusing on Republican women. If that’s not laughable enough, they went ahead and gave it a charming title, “Are Republican Women okay?” According to Houck, that’s insanely comical considering this is the magazine and the party that can’t categorically define what ‘woman’ is – a group that caters to the whims of subjective interpretations.

You know what though, Duke’s comment hits the mark. For decades, conservative and Republican women have faced smears and quite a fallout. The accusation game goes so deep that anyone who contradicts the liberal mob is discredited. But this is not about attacking political opponents; it’s an outright assault on individual ideas and thinking.

While concluding, Kevin Corke drew the bottom line excellently. He reminded women that they can draw their conclusions on their own. They can see the hike in prices, the increased crime rates, and they don’t need anyone dictating how to vote. It’s as easy as pie!

Towards the end, Houck pulled another ace – there’s a pressing need for Biden to stand during the debates, amid whispers of it being a seated one. However, the bigger issue here is the biased moderators who are supposedly “fighting for the facts and truth every day.” So, the rules? Not such a big deal. Moderators? You bet!

In a short and sweet summary, we have a fascinating set of circumstances. Amid deceptive tactics by the Biden administration, one thing’s clear. The American people are much smarter than the Biden brigade gives them credit for, and that’s something they’ll soon realize.


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