Sharpton Drops Shocking Comparison: You Won’t Believe What He Compares Misinformed News Consumers To!

Sharpton Drops Shocking Comparison: You Won't Believe What He Compares Misinformed News Consumers To!
Sharpton Drops Shocking Comparison: You Won't Believe What He Compares Misinformed News Consumers To!
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Hook: Rev Al Sharpton was on Morning Joe recently, discussing Juneteenth. In true liberal style, Sharpton painted the picture of woefully misinformed conservative voters. According to him, these poor souls are so deep in their ignorance; they don’t even recognize their freedom because they’re allegedly getting their news from “wrong sources.”

Body: Sharpton’s cliché liberal rhetoric is an epitome of the left’s condescending tone towards conservatives. As these folks see it, if only conservatives would tune in to MSNBC, they would wake up to their imaginary chains and taste the sweet nectar of progressive ideology – Liberty!

According to Sharpton, conservatives are duped by the “wrong source” of news, a thinly-veiled jab at outlets like FNC. Suggesting in a dramatic analogy that conservatives are akin to the Texas slaves unaware of their own emancipation for two and a half years post Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation. Quite a stretch, isn’t it?

“State’s rights” seems to be a pet issue for Sharpton, painting it darkly as if we’re living in the Jim Crow era. However, worth noting here is that it’s the liberals who’ve come to embrace the idea of “State’s rights” post Trump’s election, as pointed out by Charles Lane, Washington Post editor, back in 2017. Liberal states have become “sanctuary areas,” ignoring federal laws at will and defying Supreme Court’s rulings on matters like gun control.

Also, Sharpton’s speculation about Trump’s upcoming “sentencing” and possible “accommodations” the judge “may have prepared” for him, seemed like a rather hopeful dig at the former president. It’s clear from his comments that he sees Trump’s potential legal woes as a possible boon for his liberal camp.

Conclusion: What we have here is another classic example of liberals crying wolf. They concoct a narrative of misinformation-spewing conservative news outlets and misguide their listeners. It’s high time that these stalwarts of progressive ideology stopped looking down upon their conservative counterparts and started engaging in a rational dialogue.


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