Bash Reluctant to Reveal Exclusive Biden Footage – Is There Fear of Fuelling ‘Cheap Fakes’ Epidemic? Click to Find Out!

Bash Reluctant to Reveal Exclusive Biden Footage - Is There Fear of Fuelling 'Cheap Fakes' Epidemic? Click to Find Out!
Bash Reluctant to Reveal Exclusive Biden Footage - Is There Fear of Fuelling 'Cheap Fakes' Epidemic? Click to Find Out!
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Buckle up folks, President Biden’s age is no longer a secret the liberal media can hide. Numerous videos showcasing the President’s public stumbles and moments of confusion are hard to dismiss. Even left-leaning reporters are finding it hard to write these off as malicious editing or ‘fake’ footage.

Covering for Biden’s aging and frailty appears to be a full-time job for mainstream media. Despite what CNN’s Inside Politics host Dana Bash and colleagues might suggest, most of these widely shared videos aren’t cleverly doctored pieces of fabrication, but raw, candid clips taken from unflattering angles.

The panel addressed the issue with apparent reluctance. Bash weighed in on the trend of these ‘misleading’ videos of President Biden, voicing concerns over their impact and pondering about the best way to respond. The takeaway: progressive media can no longer sidestep the sheer volume of footage underscoring Biden’s unsteady performance.

Her colleague, Nia-Malika Henderson, chimed in with similar concerns, demonstrating an overall apprehension over how voters will interpret and possibly internalize these instances. However, she (and the others) seemed to miss the core point – it’s not the age, folks. It’s the capability.

The sentiment was shared by reporter Daniel Strauss, who commented on the unusual emphasis on the candidates’ age and frailty in the ongoing political narrative. He painted the Biden campaign as being overly sensitive to these conversations, which is an understatement, if anything.

The bottom line is clear: being ‘sort of a bit more frail’ just doesn’t cut it in the face of terrorism, war, corruption, and in a world yearning for decisive leadership. Yes, both President Trump and Biden are an older generation of leaders, but what separates them is not their age, their gray hair, or the wrinkles on their faces, but how each commands their role with vigor and competence.

By dubbing these videos as ‘fake,’ mainstream media are simply papering over a very real issue that the public has every right to be concerned about. Age or no age, the president of the United States ought to have the capacity to lead, to make informed decisions and to stand strong amid adversities. The frailty narrative, while may be an irritating backdrop for some, spotlights a matter that carries significant weight in the eyes of the voters.

To wrap it up, the age issue won’t go away because some reporters deem it an inconvenience. The videos are out there, realer than ever; they capture Biden as he is – an aging President. It’s not his age that’s the problem, but the apparent frailty it brings with it that is worrisome. So folks, keep asking the tough questions.


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