Colbert Dramatically Cleanses Bowman’s Past Of Shocking Hamas Propaganda!

Colbert Dramatically Cleanses Bowman's Past Of Shocking Hamas Propaganda!
Colbert Dramatically Cleanses Bowman's Past Of Shocking Hamas Propaganda!
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Here we go again. Far-left Congressman Jamaal Bowman, an individual notably associated with conspiracy theories and unusual behavior, joins The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, manipulating his political past and batting away GOP pushback on Critical Race Theory (CRT).

Bowman, formerly a school principal, failed to answer Colbert’s question about the value of CRT in schools. Instead, he decided to play the victim card, painting Republicans as bullies determined to enforce one singular way of thinking. He asserts that it’s our diversity that makes us strong and that this critical comprehension of each other’s backgrounds and experiences is what unites this country.

His approach? Hitting out at Republicans for objecting to CRT in educational institutions and conflating disagreement with intolerance. He argues that Republicans are attempting to ban books and take over schools, inhibiting citizens from being their best selves unless they embrace diversity. Pretty rich coming from a man who seems to prioritize learning about cop killers over George Washington.

Discussing Israel and the attacks by Hamas, Bowman attempts to rewrite history again, casting himself as a peacenik who merely opposed collective punishment. This despite his prior calling of rape reports by Hamas, “propaganda” and attending a fundraiser with a person who appeared to support these attacks. He attempts to justify this by railing against war crimes, civilian casualties, and famine, pushing a ‘pathway to peace’ narrative, thanks to Colbert, who seemed all too willing to sanitize Bowman’s checkered record.

However, let’s not be fooled. Bowman’s version of peace translates into a two-state solution, a concept far more complicated and nuanced than he’s willing to acknowledge. His questionable past spills over into his foreign policy stances. Bowman’s insinuations about the United States employing a “terrify into submission” approach tell you more about his skewed worldview than it does about the realities of global diplomacy.

And as if these disturbing revelations weren’t enough, he audaciously proposes using U.S wealth to fight climate change and ensure every child has clean water which is, ironically, something we can all agree on. This shows insight into his line of thinking. Where he goes off track is suggesting that those resources should be directed towards building a Palestinian state.

By the end of it, all we see here is a classic ploy by a far-left firebrand: Overgeneralize, misrepresent and ultimately distort the GOP’s intent with a dangerous bias in favour of unprincipled policies. Don’t be deceived by the spin on this story – it is clear that we need to expose these distortions for what they are, a detriment to the principals this nation was built on.


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