Discover How Ditching Paper Towels Could Make You a Champion Against Climate Change – Good Morning America Reveals!

Discover How Ditching Paper Towels Could Make You a Champion Against Climate Change - Good Morning America Reveals!
Discover How Ditching Paper Towels Could Make You a Champion Against Climate Change - Good Morning America Reveals!
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They’re at it again, ladies and gentlemen. ABC News’s Good Morning America is back on the beat, drumming up more fear about climate change. This time their target? Your humble paper towel. Yes, you read that right, folks. They want you to toss your Brawny and Bounty in favor of their eco-friendly agenda.

During a recent episode, Ginger Zee, the network’s Chief Climate Correspondent, teamed up with Consumer Correspondent Becky Worley. Their mission? To spread distress over climate change and convince Americans to abandon one of their kitchen staples. Zee took the lead, claiming it’s high time we kicked our paper towel usage habit. Worley followed up with an environmental guilt trip.

Worley expressed her concern about the climatic effect of paper towels. She claimed that our collective paper towel usage equates to over 13 billion pounds annually. That daily excess weight comes up to more than 3,000 tons. She pointed out that the trees cut down to manufacture these towels could otherwise be absorbing carbon dioxide.

Worley didn’t stop there. She went on to criticize the transportation of paper towels, implying it further exacerbated the climate problem due to dependence on fossil fuels. Her solution? Switch to rags and other alternative cleaning materials.

This isn’t Good Morning America’s first rodeo with the anti-paper towel crusade. They pulled a similar move back in May 2022, admonishing Americans to replace their paper towels, sponges, and washcloths with biodegradable cloth options.

ABC News, under the liberal-leaning Walt Disney Corporation’s umbrella, continues to press for lifestyle alterations in the name of climate change. They’ve repeatedly chided meat-eating Americans and promoted dietary changes to plant-based proteins. Good Morning America featured Pam Koch, a Columbia University professor, who advocated for reducing animal-based protein consumption – driving their message home with an on-air appearance.

Not stopping at food, they went after animal agriculture in a June 5 article, implicating it as the villain of environmental sustainability. They suggested eating insects as a substitute – talk about grasping at straws.

These climate alarmists need to be reminded that America is a nation of choice and independence. We choose how we live, what we consume, and how we sustain our households. Efforts to subtly control these choices under the guise of fighting climate change shouldn’t go unchecked. We won’t stand by while media outlets push unfounded guilt and fear onto the American people. Stand strong, don’t surrender your Bounty quite yet.


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