Morning Joe Reveals: MSNBC Analyst Slams Bibi’s Acting Skills, Calls Jake Sullivan His BFF!

Morning Joe Reveals: MSNBC Analyst Slams Bibi's Acting Skills, Calls Jake Sullivan His BFF!
Morning Joe Reveals: MSNBC Analyst Slams Bibi's Acting Skills, Calls Jake Sullivan His BFF!
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The latest media twist on the U.S.-Israel relationship is a stark display of the media’s bias. This collusion was famously performed by retired Admiral James Stavridis on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” Unabashedly, Stavridis attacked Israel’s Prime Minister, Bibi Netanyahu, while displaying his strong friendship with Biden’s national security advisor, Jake Sullivan.

Netanyahu’s appeal to the U.S. for continued arms supplies, made public via an English language video, was harshly criticized by Stavridis. He labeled it as ‘wildly inappropriate,’ saying it’s against diplomatic norms for one country’s leader to interfere in the elections of another country. Now, that’s a cocktail of hypocrisy if you ask me. Were we all asleep when Barack Obama’s administration attempted to oust Netanyahu using taxpayer’s money back in 2015’s Israeli parliamentary elections? It appears so, for no whisper of ‘inappropriateness’ was ever muttered then.

So, the spotlight’s back on the Biden government now. Claims of withholding weapons from Israel were vigorously countered by the Biden squad, claiming they “genuinely don’t know what Netanyahu’s talking about.” It seems like they’ve mastered the art of playing dumb to dodge any blame.

Israel’s plea for weapons, reminiscent of Churchill’s call during WWII, was responded to with surprise and denial. In fact, a planned meeting with Israeli officials got cancelled and a previous arms shipment remains under evaluation due to Biden administration’s concern over its use. However, unawareness seems to be their shield against hard-hitting accusations.

Admiral Stavridis went on to brand Netanyahu as a frustrating partner after his direct appeal to American people. Apparently, this administration’s sensibilities were hurt when the Israeli Prime Minister appealed directly to Americans in English, sidelining Biden’s team. And Stavridis called this an exploding-head-syndrome moment for his dear friend Sullivan.

The hypocrisy of the Admiral and the media becomes visible here. Despite countless U.S. interferences in foreign matters, they have the audacity to reprimand a country’s leader pleading for defense tools. U.S. intervention in 2015 Israel’s election to topple Netanyahu is left conveniently forgotten. Looks like the Liberal media’s obsession with bashing conservative leaders knows no bounds.

Constantly gazing over the fence and pointing fingers is not how integrity works. The media personnel ought to do some introspection before scapegoating leaders for their personal biases. Hence, I leave you with this – analyze the facts, question the narratives, and hold the media accountable.


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