INCREDIBLE! Congressman Stuns Diversity Officer into Silence with Just One Question!

INCREDIBLE! Congressman Stuns Diversity Officer into Silence with Just One Question!
INCREDIBLE! Congressman Stuns Diversity Officer into Silence with Just One Question!
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Republican Representative Brian Mast bravely challenged the prevailing narrative of the Left by questioning the necessity of diversity in the federal government. During a hearing, he asked the State Department’s Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer, Ambassador Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley, a pivotal question, “Can you tell me, am I white?” Although Abercrombie-Winstanley hesitated and suggested that Mast should define his own race, Mast made his point that qualifications and character, not race, should be the basis for evaluating individuals. Being a competent Foreign Service Officer has nothing to do with physical appearance or racial background. Democrats’ obsession with diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace has led them down a misguided path, erroneously labeling “white supremacy” as a threat to the nation.

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