Hunter Biden’s Visit and Cocaine in the White House: Mere Coincidence?

Hunter Biden's Visit and Cocaine in the White House: Mere Coincidence?
Hunter Biden's Visit and Cocaine in the White House: Mere Coincidence?
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Cocaine was found in the White House, and guess who was there just two days before? Hunter Biden. Oh, the timing! Initially, it was reported that the cocaine was in the library, but later it was “corrected” to a West Wing work area. Secret Service officials added a twist, saying it was in a baggie in the West Wing. Hunter has been public about his battle with drug addiction, specifically crack cocaine. Conservatives are calling for an investigation into Hunter Biden’s potential involvement, while others hypothesize that a tourist might have planted it. The White House hasn’t yet commented. Cocaine in the White House, with Hunter’s visit just days before – coincidence or scandal?

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