Epstein Victim Reveals Secret Connection to Victoria’s Secret

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One of the victims of billionaire sex trafficker Jeff Epstein is coming clean about how close he was to Victoria’s Secret boss Leslie Wexner.

The revelation was revealed by Maria Farmer who was interviewing with DailyMail about her time with Epstein. According to Farmer, Epstein once bragged to her about receiving New York’s most expensive townhouse from Wexner for only $1, adding “He would do anything for me” with a wink.

Maria said, “Epstein told me in New York. He said: ‘Maria, I got all this for one dollar.’ He held out his arms, spanning the room, and said, ‘Look at all of this.'”

“And there are decorators from France coming and going, and you’ve got all this fabulous food, and maids, and everything, it’s just so unbelievable. And I said, ‘Why? How did you get it for one dollar?’ And he looked at me with the biggest smile, and said, ‘Wexner will do anything for me, Maria.'”

Then, for emphasis, the notorious pedophile added, “‘And I mean anything.’ Then he winked.”

The property that Epstein received from his fellow billionaire was a seven-story mansion on East 71st Street.

One of the strangest mysteries to the Epstein saga remains exactly why the boss of such a major company would hand his $7.7 billion fortune over to Epstein, a college dropout with few clients, as his investor.

According to Farmer, she believes that Wexner and Epstein may have had a secret homosexual romantic relationship, saying, “I do believe they were lovers. That is my opinion. He had a special soft spot for Epstein.”

Cindy Fields, a former Victoria’s Secret CEO, also hinted at a potentially sexual relationship between the two.

“Each one must have fulfilled the need of the other. Wexner had the money that Epstein was seeking— and Wexner got from Epstein the glamour and smoothness that he was seeking,” Fields said.

She added, “I am not at all inferring that it was a sexual need… but there was something there.”

Regardless of what the reason for their cozy relationship, it’s unlikely anyone will ever learn the truth with Epstein now dead and Wexner 84 years old and notoriously reclusive. Why do you think he was so willing to do anything for America’s most notorious pedophile?

Epstein Victim Reveals Secret Connection to Victoria’s Secret

Joel Bailey

Joel Bailey is a social commentator and writer at the Next News Network. He graduated from Fisher College in Boston, Massachusetts and was adopted from Africa. He is proof of the American dream and learned conservative values at a young age.
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