Biden-Hunter Saga: Analyst Queries Unusual Bond Amid Scandals – Is This US Politics’ Ticking Bomb?

Biden-Hunter Saga: Analyst Queries Unusual Bond Amid Scandals - Is This US Politics' Ticking Bomb?
Biden-Hunter Saga: Analyst Queries Unusual Bond Amid Scandals - Is This US Politics' Ticking Bomb?
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The Democrats and their lapdogs in the media are finally starting to wake up and smell the coffee: Biden’s presidency is an unmitigated disaster. Victor Davis Hanson’s scorching indictment of the current administration is just the tip of the iceberg. From the border crisis to the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal and everything in between, the Biden administration has been an unmitigated disaster. The American people deserve better than this.

Let’s start with the border crisis. Biden’s immigration policies have been a complete disaster. The surge of illegal immigrants pouring across the southern border has overwhelmed border patrol agents and left American citizens vulnerable. Criminals, drugs, and gang members are pouring into our country with alarming frequency. Meanwhile, Biden’s response has been to put Vice President Kamala Harris in charge of the crisis, and she has done absolutely nothing to solve it.

Then there’s the debacle in Afghanistan. The Biden administration’s decision to withdraw American troops from Afghanistan has been a complete failure. The Taliban has taken over, and our allies are in danger because of it. The Biden administration has been caught flat-footed, with no plan to protect our assets or evacuate our citizens.

And what about Biden’s executive orders? They have been a complete disaster for America. The Keystone XL pipeline cancellation destroyed jobs and economic opportunities. The border wall moratorium has left our southern border exposed to invasion. And the mask and vaccine mandates turned our country into a police state.

Finally, let’s talk about Biden’s cognitive decline. The man is clearly not up to the task of leading our nation. He can’t even remember basic facts or complete a sentence without stumbling over his own words. It’s clear that he’s not mentally fit to serve as commander-in-chief, and his handlers are pulling his strings like a puppet.

In conclusion, the Democrats and the media need to wake up and stop defending the disastrous Biden administration. The American people deserve better than this, and it’s time we hold our elected officials accountable for their actions.

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