Criminal Fun Zone: NYC Puts Up Signs That Encourage Criminal Activity

Criminal Fun Zone: NYC Puts Up Signs That Encourage Criminal Activity
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New York City is putting up signs that is announcing to criminals that all citizens in the area are already unarmed and ready to rob.

Crime rates decrease in states with concealed carry permits, that is not hyperbole, it is a fact. Yet the Governor of New York, and the Mayor of new York City are actively working to subvert the Supreme Court’s Ruling allowing for concealed carry.

Townhall reports. It is New York City’s intention to prevent people from carrying concealed firearms in Times Square by posting signs that state the area is a “Gun Free Zone,” regardless of whether they have a permit.

Trucks from the NYC Department of Transportation were seen driving around the popular tourist destination with signs stating that firearms are prohibited.

Signs that will be placed permanently were displayed at a City Council meeting.

Hochul and Mayor Adams have been famously against the second amendment.

Nyc Gov writes. New York City Mayor Eric Adams today announced that the city is launching a comprehensive outreach plan to educate and inform New Yorkers about new state legislation, going into effect tomorrow, governing concealed carry regulations across the state. The provisions of the legislation will require concealed carry license applicants to meet revised eligibility requirements and complete a state-regulated firearms training course, as well as defines certain “sensitive locations” where concealed carry licensees are not permitted to carry guns within.

It should come as no shock that the most liberal Governor in the country as well as the Mayor of one of the most crime ridden cities in the country is anti gun. Now they are only guaranteeing that law abiding citizens are becoming even larger targets,

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