Voters Make it CRYSTAL CLEAR Whether they Approve Investigations into Hunter Biden or Not

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The majority of likely voters support House Republicans investigating first son Hunter Biden’s overseas business dealings once they take control of the lower chamber in January.

The New York Post writes, Rasmussen Reports found that 62% of likely voters approve of the GOP’s plan to examine Hunter’s foreign interests. Four out of five said they strongly approved.

In contrast, just 34% of likely voters disapproved of the investigative plans, while 23% strongly disagreed.

Furthermore, 61% of respondents believe President Biden may have been consulted on Hunter’s overseas deals and perhaps profited from them. The likelihood that Joe Biden was involved was only 34%, according to the survey.

This poll comes after Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) said earlier in the week that House Republicans plan to investigate “the origins of COVID” and “the withdrawal from Afghanistan,” in addition to “the laptop scandal,” involving Hunter Biden.

According to Scalise, who was elected as the next majority leader in the US House of Representatives, Rep. James Comer (R-KY) will investigate the items as the next chair of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform.

It is clear that American voters want investigations into Hunter Biden and his dealings. The fact that so many people support the Republicans plan to investigate shows that there is a major problem with Joe Biden and his family being compromised by foreign nations. If we do not act now, this will only get worse. We need to give Americans what they want and start these investigations immediately.

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