Defiant FBI Director Comey Warns: Trump’s Actions Pose Imminent Peril to Rule of Law (WATCH)

Defiant FBI Director Comey Warns: Trump's Actions Pose Imminent Peril to Rule of Law (WATCH)
Defiant FBI Director Comey Warns: Trump's Actions Pose Imminent Peril to Rule of Law (WATCH)
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**Disgraced Former FBI Director Accuses Trump of Threatening America’s Rule of Law**

In a stunning turn of events, information has come to light that Hillary Clinton’s campaign concocted the entire Trump-Russia collusion narrative. As the disgraceful former FBI Director James Comey accuses President Trump of being a danger to America, it’s important to remember that Comey knew of this deception and yet still pursued an investigation against Trump.

Back in June 2020, The Gateway Pundit uncovered that the Primary Sub-Source for the Steele dossier was Igor Danchenko, responsible for most of the baseless claims in the dossier. In May 2022, during the Sussman trial, Hillary Clinton’s former campaign manager, Robbie Mook, admitted under oath that it was Clinton’s campaign that was behind the entire Trump-Russia collusion hoax.

This lie was used by Democrats in an attempted coup against a sitting president, leading to the imprisonment and bankruptcy of innocent men. James Comey, who was well-aware that the entire investigation was rooted in lies fabricated by the Clinton campaign, pushed for the intelligence investigation against candidate Trump, president-elect Trump, and eventually President Trump.

Despite being fired in 2017, Comey’s successor has proven to be even worse. On Tuesday morning, Comey had the audacity to join MSNBC and accuse President Trump of posing a near existential threat to America’s rule of law. According to Comey, Trump would do everything possible in a new term to dismantle institutions that he perceives as threats.

**Comey’s Hypocrisy Must Be Condemned for Knowingly Pushing Clinton’s Deceptive Narrative**

As the truth about the false Trump-Russia collusion narrative emerges, and the culpability of Hillary Clinton’s campaign comes to light, it’s critical that we recognize the hypocrisy of James Comey in condemning President Trump. Knowing full well that the basis for the narrative was a lie, Comey’s audacity to continue pushing it is shameless and should be seen for what it is: a disgraceful attempt to undermine a legitimately elected president.


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