Shocking Revelations: The Extreme Turn to Ultra-Conservatism in North Idaho!

Shocking Revelations: The Extreme Turn to Ultra-Conservatism in North Idaho!
Shocking Revelations: The Extreme Turn to Ultra-Conservatism in North Idaho!
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Politico has made it evident that they lean left with how they react with shock and disdain towards “ultra-conservatives” putting a hold on abortions in the red states. This wouldn’t stand out as much if they gave as much coverage to the wildness in the neighborhood of any “Squad” member’s congressional district.

Politico’s freelanced article about north Idaho penned by Cassidy Randall is clear evidence if you were still mulling over their partisan tendency. An obsession with the terms “extreme”, “extremist”, and “extremism” is evident in the way Politico has used these repeatedly 28 times, and “far right” another 14 times. They specifically chose to reserve “ultra-conservative” for social media.

It’s eye-opening when you see the gratuitous use of term ‘extremist’ and its variants. It’s like they can’t go five minutes without bashing the ‘far right’ and calling out ‘extremism’, as if simply by overusing these terms they can shape public opinion. They indicate a charged political shift in northern Idaho, painting a picture of an escalating tide of right-wing extremism as though it’s a sweeping nationwide contagion.

Politico’s knight in shining armor here is Jim Woodward, a state senator who was victorious over Scott Herndon in 2018. But the story gets interesting in 2022 when Herndon tried to take another swing at it. The political battle got heated and personal, fueled by local ads accusing Woodward of being a liberal puppet and spreading “woke” ideology in schools. While Woodward stated to Politico his surprise at the ruthless campaigning, he neglected to overtly counter these claims.

This begs the question, aren’t those who unwaveringly support unrestricted abortion at any stage and for every reason, extremists, too? But you won’t hear that from Politico or Cassidy Randall who most definitely left-leaning. Anything left of center is brushed under the rug as ‘moderate’ or ‘mainstream.’

The irony here is their presentation of a so-called ‘moderate Republican’ as a strong pro-abortion advocate. This, according to them, is entirely acceptable, even admirable! It’s seen as the voice of the people – the “wildly popular” choice. Welcome to their version of ‘moderate’, or should I say, the liberal media’s alternative reality.

To summarize, Politico shouldn’t fret about conservatives controlling red states, when it’s abundantly clear that the left-leaning media, including Politico, has a firm grip on narrative-spinning. Where’s the outrage about that? If they had anything close to an objective bone in their body, they should check their own bias before pointing fingers at ‘extremists.’


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