Unbelievable! MRC VP Dan Schneider Reveals Shocking Solution to End Big Tech Censorship – Must See!

Unbelievable! MRC VP Dan Schneider Reveals Shocking Solution to End Big Tech Censorship - Must See!
Unbelievable! MRC VP Dan Schneider Reveals Shocking Solution to End Big Tech Censorship - Must See!
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If you value your freedom of speech, Big Tech has some answering to do. Dan Schneider, the VP of MRC Free Speech America, didn’t mince his words at a recent Texas Senate Committee hearing. He accused Big Tech of censorship, discrimination, and playing an outsized influence during elections.

Certain Big Tech companies, Schneider testified, are guilty of blatant discrimination against politically unfavorable users. Damningly, they are also directly interfering in election processes. Schneider delivered his verdict on the state of First Amendment rights during this hearing on May 29. Scandalously, he revealed that free speech cases are pending at the Supreme Court, in many ways holding America’s fundamental rights in the balance.

“Don’t be mistaken,” Schneider declared, “our First Amendment rights are under direct threat!” He threw light on the absurd proposition touted by Big Tech companies such as Facebook and Google. According to them, their right to silence individuals somehow trumps our individual rights of free speech, flipping our First Amendment upside down!

He further tore into Big Tech’s blatant bias and discrimination. “They’ve resurrected the Plessy v. Ferguson standard,” Schneider stated, pulling no punches. “Shockingly, they not only discriminate based on political worldview, but they also discriminate based on race and religion!” This double standard was demonstrated in a case where Facebook stated it had the right to discriminate against a Sikh religious group.

Texas State Senator, Tan Parker, questioned Schneider on the biased nature of social media algorithms. Schneider emphatically agreed, pointing out these biased outcomes are the conscious intent of the Big Tech corporations who write the algorithms. The manipulation of the 2016 election results by Google executives was a clear example brought forth by Schneider.

Schneider further accused Big Tech of colluding with media firms to manipulate public opinion. “Formerly principled organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center and the ADL have devolved into radical left-wing outfits bent on silencing everyday Americans!”

Yet, Schneider offered a glimmer of hope – declaring this collusion to be in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act. This legal stance could provide a pathway to hold Big Tech accountable.

Following the hearing, Bryan Hughes, the Chair of the Senate Committee, announced an unanimous agreement to authorize subpoenas against these Big Tech companies. “Texas won’t tolerate the biases of Big Tech manipulating election integrity,” Hughes warned.

Big Tech now finds themselves in the hot seat. They’re not above the law and it’s high time we, as conservatives, stand up against this blatant censorship. Have you been a victim of censorship? Contact us at Media Research Center. Together, let’s remind Big Tech that the principles of the First Amendment are not for sale!


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