Unmasking the Sweet Deceptions of The Washington Post!

Unmasking the Sweet Deceptions of The Washington Post!
Unmasking the Sweet Deceptions of The Washington Post!
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Ladies and gentlemen, it seems panic has struck the Washington Post’s newsroom. Turmoil ensues as the new CEO, Will Lewis, steps up and shakes things up. The stifling liberalism that’s infiltrated news reporting has resulted in financial disaster. Yet, instead of accepting the changes needed to rescue the sinking ship, the staff is throwing a tantrum.

Here’s the rundown. Lewis, taking over the reins, fired Executive Editor Sally Buzbee, and replaced her with two white males. You’d think a routine leadership transition, right? And yet, brace yourselves for the explosive reactions from the Post’s staff, who couldn’t stomach the change.

Lewis, a man who calls it as he sees it, has been sounding the alarm on the Post’s financial situation, particularly the eyebrow-raising loss of $77 million last year and a 13% staff cutback. He recently stated that the Post has been losing a significant amount of money, its audience has drastically shrunk, and people are simply not engaging with their content. The hard truth is, in Lewis’s words, it would be “nuts” to keep running the paper as it was.

Here’s the clincher, the Washington Post is crying out because its so-called “journalists” are less about journalism and more about pushing forth their left-wing activism. The root problem lies here, not in the ethnicity or gender of the new executives.

A case in point: Ashley Parker, a senior political correspondent, who complained about the lack of “diversity”. By her definition, diversity is measured by skin color and gender. But where’s the intellectual diversity? In the liberal echo chamber of the Post, no one dares suggest the idea of conservative women or minorities running the show.

Remember when during George H.W. Bush’s presidency and the retirement of Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall, the left swiftly announced that a black successor was mandatory. Bush obliged and nominated Judge Clarence Thomas. But, he wasn’t their kind of black. Thomas, while indeed black, was a steadfast conservative. Something incomprehensible for the left. Even till today, they continue to target Justice Thomas with political grievances.

To put it bluntly, the staff at the Washington Post is comprised majorly of left-wing activists pretending to be journalists. Thus, causing massive financial losses and a significant staff cutback. In truth, they’d rather see the paper crumble than embrace fair and balanced reporting.

A similar situation occurred at the New York Times when James Bennet, their Opinion Page editor, dared publish an op-ed about using the military to address riots in cities thrown into chaos as a result of George Floyd’s death in the summer of 2020. An immediate rebellion broke out.

Ideally, the problem at the Post should be crystal clear – it’s not Will Lewis. The problem lies with the left-wing activists disguised as “journalists”. Time, as we know, will reveal all.

Nevertheless, Lewis is clear about one thing – there’s no sugar-coating the problem. Interestingly, there seems a strong chance that the Washington Post staff would rather see the paper collapse completely than committing to genuine journalism. Only time will tell how this drama unfolds. Stay tuned.


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