Shocking Twist: 3 Heroic Strangers Save Woman from Terrifying Kidnapping by Estranged Husband – Full Story Inside!

Shocking Twist: 3 Heroic Strangers Save Woman from Terrifying Kidnapping by Estranged Husband – Full Story Inside!
Shocking Twist: 3 Heroic Strangers Save Woman from Terrifying Kidnapping by Estranged Husband – Full Story Inside!
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**Three brave Samaritans save woman from estranged husband’s kidnap attempt**

Massachusetts police praised three heroic Samaritans for intervening and stopping an alleged kidnapping attempt by an estranged husband. Their quick thinking and courage likely saved the life of a woman in grave danger.

On a fateful Friday morning, officers from the Plymouth Police Department responded to a distressing scene, as residents reported a gun-wielding man chasing a woman down the street. The man, in blatant defiance of a restraining order, had appeared at his estranged wife’s residence with a disturbing assortment of handcuffs and a face mask. As he forcefully grabbed her by the neck, the commotion caught the attention of former corrections officer Jamie Costa, who was in the area.

Costa, exemplifying his commitment to law and order, wasted no time in challenging the aggressor. Ignoring the gun that was now brandished before him, Costa “lined him up for a good old fashioned football tackle,” as described by police. The brave act was a catalyst in bringing two other witnesses, the Williams siblings, into the fray. As one of the brothers used his legally-possessed firearm to take down the menacing husband, the other assisted in disarming and restraining the man.

Thanks to the decisive actions of Costa and the Williams siblings, the suspect was detained until the arrival of Officer Bobby Hackett. The thwarted kidnapper now faces charges including kidnapping, assault with a dangerous weapon, violation of a restraining order, and reckless endangerment of a child.

Jamie Costa, reflecting on the ordeal, expressed his disdain for onlookers who would rather film such incidents than step in to help: “I wasn’t gonna do that. I was taught to do something about it, so I did something about it.” Costa’s dedication to community and safety is no surprise, as he had previously helped police apprehend another suspect in 2019. For his valor, he was awarded a certificate of recognition from the Plymouth Police Department.

**Thankful police officials and a life saved: The timely intervention of three good Samar


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