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Media Matters Funnels Six-Figure Sum to Board Member’s Firm

Media Matters for America, a nonprofit focused on correcting “conservative misinformation,” paid $105,000 in 2022 to ASR LLC, a consulting firm owned by board member Tom Perez. This payment, for “consultant advisory services,” raises questions about potential conflicts of interest in nonprofit organizations.

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Cheap Fake’: From Academic Jargon to Political Battleground

The term “cheap fake,” coined by former Harvard researcher Joan Donovan in 2019, has recently gained attention as the White House attempts to downplay videos of President Biden’s public mishaps. The Trump campaign has swiftly co-opted the term, turning it against the Biden administration.

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Whitmer’s Mysterious CNN Disconnect: Speaks on Trump, but Silent on Hunter Biden’s Trial

In a glaring display of political bias, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer “lost connection” during a remote interview on CNN’s “State of the Union” when asked about Hunter Biden’s ongoing criminal trial. While vocal about Trump’s legal issues, her silence on Biden’s case fuels suspicions. This stark contrast highlights the hypocrisy inherent in today’s political sphere and encourages us to scrutinize the motives behind politicians’ seemingly selective condemnation of wrongdoing. As the trial unfolds, the court of public opinion remains watchful, awaiting justice and accountability.

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Sen. Fetterman’s Bold Shift: From Far-Left to Center After Near-Death Experience, Dividing Democrats?

In a jaw-dropping reveal, Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) announces his shift from far-Left Democrat to a moderate, center-left stance. Speaking candidly on HBO’s “Real Time,” Fetterman attributed his transformation to both a near-death experience and growing dissatisfaction with the Democrat Party’s progressive wing. Deriding extreme activists while rebranding as a more moderate voice, Fetterman’s journey exposes deep rifts within the party and challenges its members to reassess their core values.

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Biden’s Border Policy Flip: Eastern Hemisphere Immigrants Released, Not Deported – Security Risk?

In a blatant contradiction to President Biden’s claims of stricter border control, his administration has directed U.S. Border Patrol agents to release illegal immigrants from nearly all Eastern Hemisphere countries. This egregious policy, which activists and officials widely condemn as “window dressing”, has led to a massive “catch & release” situation, undermining America’s border security and resource management. The pressing question remains: will future policies address the real issues, or will they simply be cosmetic fixes that further strain our nation?

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Biden’s Border Order: Will Asylum Pause Hurt US Economy? Discover the Controversy & Impact!

In the face of rampant illegal immigration, President Biden seeks to cap daily asylum requests at the southern border. Paradoxically, our economy’s surge, masked by foreign-born workers both legal and illegal, relies heavily on this influx. Critics argue these workers disguise America’s underlying economic issues. Will Biden’s immigration policies bring about real change, or further obscure the root causes? Time will tell, but America’s economic fate and global reputation teeter on the edge of this divisive debate.

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Biden Denies Illegal Immigration Surge Responsibility: Time for Stronger Solutions or Deeper Debate?

Amidst an alarming surge in illegal immigration, President Biden denies responsibility, blaming past policies. Although he repealed punitive Trump-era measures, the foreign-born population in the US reached a staggering 51.6 million in March, while immigration remains a hot-button issue. With only 36% of voters approving Biden’s performance, it’s time to reevaluate the administration’s approach, seeking a balanced resolution that combines strict border control with humane, moral solutions to uphold American values. The nation’s immigration system integrity depends on it; the consequences of inaction could be felt for generations.

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