Dem Senate Candidate Tim Ryan Calls Biden “A Distraction”

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The Democrat party has become the Titanic and Biden is a giant ice burg they just cant seem to steer out of the way of. So how bad is it? Well, just look at Democrat Ohio Senate Candidate Tim Ryan to find out.

Rep. Ryan was asked by a reporter at an event this week if he plans to campaign with Biden to shore up the state. Normally, this would be a no brainer for a Senate candidate to campaign with the President of his own party. When it comes to Biden, however, it’s a whole different story.

After hesitating for a second, Ryan responded to the reporter with an epic dodge. “Look, we welcome everybody’s support, but I will be the face of this campaign. I don’t think, you know, surrogates are going to play a huge role here.”

But did he just leave it at that and move forward? Of course not. He began spitting excuses about how he wants to be the focus, saying, “I want people to get to know me, I want to control my message, I want it to be my face and my background, my record. That’s what we’re going to push,” he stated.

He explained that he welcomed support from all sources. “And we welcome support from all corners, like I said, Democrats, Republicans and independents, we’re going to have a big Republicans for Ryan initiative with elected officials, Republican elected officials in Ohio supporting us.”

Of course, that was only the tip of the ice burg as Tim Ryan then went and did a string of interviews to try and set the tone for his race. During one with FOX News’s Brett Baier, he even went as far as to call Biden a “distraction” and saying he didn’t want any of that in his race.

There is an old saying. You can put lipstick and a dress on a pig and it’s still just a pig. Clearly Joe Biden has become the lipstick pig of the Democrat party. Do you think they are about ready to dump him or will the captains go down with their ship?

Gary Franchi

Gary Franchi

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