At least one party still cares about our country’s infants. Republican Minority Whip Steve Scalise revealed his party’s plan to help save the lives of our most vulnerable if they take back Congress later this year.
During a press conference this week, Scalise spoke out about the draft decision by the Supreme Court to reverse the decision of Roe v Wade, saying, “I hope that the ruling comes out soon and I hope it’s the ruling that was leaked. I’m disappointed that there was a leak.”
Scalise then revealed the Republican Party’s first plan to protect these innocent lives when they enter Congress, “We’re a party who defends life and we would celebrate a ruling that allows elected leaders to defend life and debate in open public what those laws should be in every state and in Washington. Clearly, we will move day one if we get the majority on the Born-Alive Act.”
The 2nd most powerful Republican in Congress then took aim at Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and his party’s recent failed attempt to codify abortion access into law, telling the crowd, “Chuck Schumer right now is bringing a bill on the Senate floor today to make America in the category of China, North Korea, and Guinea. We would be in the territory of countries that allow abortion on demand as widespread as we’ve seen it anywhere in the world,” he said.
.@SteveScalise: "Chuck Schumer right now is bringing a bill on the Senate floor today to make America in the category of China, North Korea and Guinea. We would be in the territory of countries that allow abortion on demand as widespread as we've seen it anywhere in the world."
— The Hill (@thehill) May 11, 2022
VOX media provided a summary of the proposed Republican bill, saying:
The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act would require doctors to provide the same care for a baby born alive after a failed attempt at abortion as they would for any child of the same gestational age. After providing appropriate care, they would be required to ensure that the baby “is immediately transported and admitted to a hospital.”
Doctors who failed to comply with the requirements would face a fine and up to five years in prison.
The bill was initially proposed by Republican Senator Ben Sasse in 2020 but failed to receive the votes necessary to become law. With a Republican majority, the bill could easily pass the House and Senate, however without a supermajority Biden could still veto it.
Do you believe Republicans will successfully codify protections for unborn life into law if they take over or are you at the point where you believe DC politicians would rather find ways to make their votes fail just to keep the issues alive and fundraise off them?