Hunter Biden Fixer Went to SPY On Film About First Son

Hunter Biden Attorney Kevin Morris
Hunter Biden Attorney Kevin Morris
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Hunter Biden has a fixer, of course! But what if we told you that his man on the inside is a top ranked Hollywood lawyer who has been sent on international spying missions for small-time films that are critical of Biden and his corrupt debauchery? Yeah, bet that got your attention.

So the story starts when it was exposed that Kevin Morris, lawyer to Hunter Biden, Chris Rock, and the creators of South Park among other big name clients, had paid off over $2 million in unpaid taxes for Hunter to help him avoid going to prison, a very strange action for a lawyer that launched his name into the public sphere.

It was that public knowledge, however, that led to a small Serbian film crew exposing that Morris had flown on a private jet to the small country and taken up a fake identity to infiltrate a film about Hunter Biden called “My Son Hunter.”

Producer Phelim McAleer exposed the espionage to Dailymail, telling them that he had shown up claiming to be a fellow producer making his own expose on Biden’s corruption and wanted to work with their team to expose him.

“Now that I know of his representation of Hunter Biden, his questions while they were filming suddenly make a lot of sense,” McAleer said, “I thought he was just making a documentary but now it appears he was deceptively spying for his client Hunter Biden.”

Morris had instead told McAleer that he had retired from being a lawyer, a completely untrue claim, and instead was working with a 2 man film crew on the documentary.”

According to audio of a conversation obtained by, Morris was questioned if his film had to do with politics around the Bidens, to which he responded, “Well of course it is but corruption is corruption.”

Morris has also been allegedly charged with “investigating” how Hunter Biden’s laptop became public after a series of damning emails and images were revealed during the last election. A CBS report said that the lawyer is, “conducting a forensic analysis and investigation into what happened to Hunter Biden’s laptop — including how the device became public.”

Corruption is nothing new for the Biden Crime Family, and yet the level of espionage this lawyer was performing certainly raises plenty of questions. How much is he making off this deal? Who is he really working for? How does he benefit from dropping millions to protect these guys?

Gary Franchi

Gary Franchi

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