Psaki Caught In Lie About Crack Pipes In Safe Smoking Kits

Psaki was confronted about her response to a previous Washington Free Beacon article alleging that crack pipes were included in kits from a federal grant.
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When asked about a $30 million “harm reduction” program from the federal government on February 9th, Jen Psaki said that the alleged crack pipes “were never part of the kit, it was inaccurate reporting.”

Watch her respond to her lie in the clip below on May 12. She said that “this is a conspiracy theory being spread out there.”

The Washington Free Beacon first reported on the federal grant program and was quickly struck down by fact checkers trying to hide the truth.

Now, the truth comes out that safe-smoking kits that were distributed up and down the East Coast did include crack pipes. This means that Biden’s earlier claim that the multi million-dollar harm reduction program would not buy drug paraphernalia for addicts.

Drug paraphernalia was included with the kits and different orgs in different cities included differing devices.

Charm City Care Connection, a nonprofit providing harm reduction services to combat “oppression” said that ID is not needed to get a smoking kit, but they did ask for initials, a date of birth, and a zip code before you were able to get a kit. The kits shown above show a copper mesh – used to hold the crack rock at the end of the pipe.

The pipes can be seen included in the kit from Baltimore found an investigation by the Washington Free Beacon.

The kit included directions on how to use the pipe. See the picture below.

The non-profit gets funding from Baltimore city, Maryland State, and at least $200,000 from George Soros’ Open Society foundations as part of the “Addiction and Health Equity Program.” The program also partners with Johns Hopkins University.

An investigation into a facility in Boston’s South End neighborhood, an employee told the reporters that crack users could get “one pipe per person, once a day.”

Journalists visiting the Alliance’s Lower East Side Harm Reduction Center were offered a “booty bump” kit for ingesting meth through their rectum. It’s recommended to be the safest way to ingest the drug.

Now on Thursday, a Washington Post fact-checker Glenn Kessler updated their initial story debunking the Free Beacon’s story on the crack pipes and included the proof that there were crack pipes included in some of the kids.

HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra released a statement around the time saying that “no federal funding will be used directly or through subsequent reimbursement of grantees to put pipes in safe smoking kits.

The kits were found in centers in the following cities across the east coast: Richmond, Washington, DC, New York City, Boston, and Baltimore. This means that Psaki’s claim was false. This means that the fact checkers were dead wrong. Several of these fact checkers are used by Facebook to police content on their platform.

Do you think that our tax dollars should go to funding the purchasing of drug paraphernalia?

Psaki Caught In Lie About Crack Pipes In Safe Smoking Kits

Joel Bailey

Joel Bailey is a social commentator and writer at the Next News Network. He graduated from Fisher College in Boston, Massachusetts and was adopted from Africa. He is proof of the American dream and learned conservative values at a young age.
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