The trial between Amber Heard and Johnny Depp has captured the attention of the world. How couldn’t it? It has everything from mega celebrities to affairs, drugs, and literal bed pooping.
Now it’s Ms Heard’s chance to fight back, and boy is she creating quite the stink.
We’re sure you all remember Depp’s testimony that Amber Heard pooped on his bed in an act of drug-fueled revenge against the Pirates of the Caribbean star. Well Heard says there was bed poop, but it wasn’t her poop at all. Hmmm. We smell something off about this.
According to the female lead of Aquaman, it was actually Boo who left the poo. Boo is Johnny Depp’s Yorkshire terrier who, according to Miss Heard, had “eaten Johnny’s weed as a puppy and had bowel control issues for life.”
She said Boo and his other dog Pistol would sleep in the bed and Boo would often poo on the floor instead of making it to the outside.
Of course, this doesn’t line up with what Depp’s chauffeur Starling Jenkins claimed, which was that Heard personally told them the poop was a “horrible practical joke gone wrong.”
Heard’s lawyer Elaine Bredehoft, pushed the new narrative by asking Heard, “Did you commit any kind of prank?”
Heard responded, “Absolutely not. First of all I don’t think that’s funny. I don’t know what grown woman does.”
The actress continued, “I was not in a pranking mood. My life was falling apart. I was at a crossroads in my life and I’d just been attacked on my 30th birthday by my violent husband with whom I was in love.”
“I don’t think that’s funny, period. That’s disgusting,” she concluded.
WATCH: "That's disgusting," Heard testifies, about the so-called prank of leaving feces in Depp's bed. "I was not in a pranking mood. My life was falling apart."#JohnnyDepp #AmberHeard @LawCrimeNetwork
— Sierra Gillespie (@sierragillespie) May 16, 2022
Johnny Depp is currently suing Amber Heard for $50 million after she released an op-ed implying the actor was abusive during their marriage. Depp claimed the piece ruined his acting career, a claim that is backed up by his loss of the Pirates of the Caribbean and Harry Potter franchises. She is countersuing him for $100 million. Her career has also been left in tatters by the fight with rumors swirling that she has been all but cut out of the upcoming Aquaman 2.
Who do you think is telling the truth? Do you think either of them is being genuine in the trial?