Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger announced this week that he is considering support for a ban on AR-15’s.
Rep Kinzinger, best known for his vocal opposition to former President Trump, revealed to CNN that his views on guns have changed after recent mass shootings. According to Kinzinger, once an opponent of such bans, he is now open to the idea,
“Look, I have opposed a ban, you know, fairly recently. I think I’m open to a ban now,” Kinzinger told CNN.
He then clarified that he will need more detail before getting behind the alleged ban. “It’s going to depend on what it looks like because there’s a lot of nuances on what constitutes, you know, certain things.”
Adam Kinzinger: "I have opposed a ban [on AR-15s] fairly recently. I think I'm open to a ban now."
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) May 29, 2022
He also declared his support for other solutions such as increased mandatory licensing and training to own an AR-15 as well as universal background checks and red flag laws.
“At that point it’s like, ‘OK, this is getting out of hand,'” Kinzinger told CNN. “The problem is everyone is scared to inaction. They’re frightened of the loudest voices. And 90% of Americans are begging that we do something.”
Congressman Kinzinger then tried to clarify that despite his support of a ban on these alleged “assault weapons”, he still considers himself to be pro-Second Amendment. He said, “As a person that appreciates and believes in the Second Amendment, we have to be the ones putting forward reasonable solutions to gun violence.”
Kizinger’s statement comes after a string of similar suggestions from prominent Democrats such as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, who also called for a ban on “assault weapons” during a recent trip to Buffalo, New York.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell also said that he recently encouraged Texas Sen. John Cornyn to meet with Democrats and negotiate bi-partisan solutions following a string of mass shootings. Biden praised McConnell as a “rational Republican.”
While the 2nd Amendment has long been held as sacred in this country, it’s hard to deny that our right to bear arms has been limited bit by bit over the years. They are trying to ban “assault weapons” again, but that usually does not succeed. What do you think they will end up banning instead?